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Top 100 (last 30 days)

1 ) BAUMA 2025, Munich  (English, German)
International trade fair on construction equipment, materials and technologies.
191 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: event

2 ) IMCD GmbH  (English, German)
Distributor for chemicals with focus upon construction chemicals (former Interorgana GmbH).
171 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: distributors

3 ) Commercial Vehicle Show, Dubai Autodrome  (English)
Trade show for heavy construction equipment and vehicles.
102 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

4 ) Fachpack 2012, Nürnberg  (English, German)
Industry fair for packaging equipment, materials and technologies.
91 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

5 ) Expo Revestir 2022, São Paulo  (English, Portuguese, Spanish)
Exhibition on construction materials, equiment and technologies, also featuring the virtual International Forum of Architecture, Design and Construction (FIAC).
88 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

6 ) National House Building Council NHBC  (English)
UK House building association with focus on warranty and cerfitfication issues (products, contractors/builders, performance).
85 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: associations

7 ) Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology  (English)
Electronically published papers focusing on concrete technology (fresh and hardened concrete, raw materials, structures, failure mechanisms, durability). The full-text for the first four issues are freely available.
Publisher: Japan Concrete Institute
84 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: publication

8 ) International Masonry Institute  (English)
US association of the masonry and render applicators and contractors.
81 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: associations

9 ) Cemtech Conference, Istanbul, Turkey  (English)
International Cement Conference focussing onto production expertise and manufacturing knowhow for cement - includes a visit of conference participants to Nuh Cimento's new cement plant installation (link no longer active, we link to cemnet website).
Located in Turkey.
Publisher: Cemnet, UK
77 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

10 ) Baustoffmarkt  (German)
Das Wirtschaftsmagazin für die Bausoffbranche (german).
Publisher: Wohlfarth Verlag
75 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: publication

11 ) Construmat 2005, Barcelona, Spain  (English, Spanish)
Traditional spanish exhibition featuring building materials and equipment.
74 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

12 ) Laticrete Event during Coverings, Orlando, FL  (English)
Laticrete is inviting friends to tapas and drinks at Café Tu Tu Tango, 8625 International Drive, starts 5 pm, please register with your contact at Laticrete.
73 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

13 ) BuildTech Asia 2023, Singapore Expo  (English)
Trade fair and technology show on construction technologies also featuring a conference program.
67 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

14 ) BAU 2025, Munich, Germany  (English, German)
International trade fair on building materials, machineries and construction technologies .
66 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

15 ) BHS-Sonthofen GmbH  (English, German)
Manufacturer of aggregate crushers such as rotor-impact mills and centrifugal crusher, also an important supplier of mixers to the concrete industry.
64 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: equipment

16 ) Worldbex 2020  (English)
Industry show on construction materials, equipment and building technologies.
64 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

17 ) Cottage 2005, Moscow  (English, Russian)
Building and construction fair, focus: residential construction (site no longer available, we link to expocentr, the venue).
62 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

18 ) Seoul Living Design Fair 2006  (English, Korean)
Industry fair on interior decoration technologies and -materials (website currently out of order).
62 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

19 ) Haus Decor Show 2024, São Paulo  (English)
Interior decoration show, part of Expo Revestir
61 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

20 ) American Coatings Show, Indianapolis, IN  (English)
International coatings and paints materials exhibition organized by Messe Nürnberg and Vincentz Network in cooperation with National Paint & Coatings Association NPCA.
58 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

21 ) International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (ICCRRR), Cape Town  (English)
International Conference on all aspects of concrete renovation (link no longer available, we link to the civil engineering department of University of Capetown).
57 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

22 ) Middle East Coatings Show 2023, Cairo  (English)
Trade fair on technologies and materials for paints, inks and coatings at Egypt International Exhibition Center (EIEC)
57 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

23 ) Wissenschaftlich-Technische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Bauwerkserhaltung und Denkmalpflege WTA  (Dutch, German)
International Association for Science and Technology of Building Maintenance and Monuments Preservation, with branchse in Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Czechia, Hungary.
55 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: associations

24 ) Zentralverband des Deutschen Baugewerbes e.V., ZDB  (German)
German industry association for the building trades. Umbrella organisation (amongst others) of German Association of Flooring Installers and German Tile Layer's Association.
55 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: associations

25 ) ACHEMA 2024, Frankfurt/Main  (English)
International exhibition on chemicals and their processing, also inclusing a congress.
55 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

26 ) Mosbuild 2018, Moscow  (English)
24th International Exhibition of Building and Finishing Materials
54 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

27 ) European Coatings Show 2025, Nürnberg  (English)
International exhibition on coatings, inks, paints, lacqueurs, featuring a strong segment on drymix mortar technology (binders, additives and equipment).
54 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: event

28 ) Bygg Reis Deg 2007, Lillestrom  (Norwegian)
Norway's largest construction materials exhibition.
Located in Norway.
53 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

29 ) Construction Indonesia 2018, Jakarta  (English)
Industry fair on construction materials, equipment and technologies (20th International Construction, Infrastructure & Development Exhibition)
52 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

30 ) American Coatings Show, Charlotte, NC  (English)
Industry show for paints, coatings, lacquers, organized in conjunction with NPCA, the US National Paints and Coatings Association. Conference: 02.-03. June 2008.
51 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

31 ) Indobuildtech 2009, Jakarta  (English)
Trade fair for construction materials, equipment and technologies.
51 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

32 ) Construction Indonesia + Concrete Show SEA, Jakarta  (English)
Industry show on construction materials, equipment and technologies, also featuring seminars. Organized by Pamerindo at Kemayoran Expo Center.
51 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

33 ) Feicon 2006, Sao Paulo  (English, Portuguese)
Annual building and construction fair, including an INternational Lighting exhibition
50 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

34 ) Domotex Middle East 2009, Dubai  (English)
Trade fair on floor and wall coverings.
50 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

35 ) Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich GmbH & Co KG  (English, German)
Manufacturer of drymix mortar mixing technology as well as manufacturer of complete drymix mortar plants and other industrial installations.
48 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: turnkey-plant

36 ) Bundesgütegemeinschaft Instandsetzung von Betonbauwerken, IB  (German)
German industry association for concrete renovation.
48 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: associations

37 ) Paint India 2010, Mumbai  (English)
Exhibition for paints coatings and inks (website no longer available, we link to 2014 page).
47 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

38 ) 16th Build Expo Africa 2013, Nairobi  (English)
Construction equipment, materials and technologies exhibition.
47 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

39 ) ICRI S>pring Convention, Atlanta, GA  (English)
Concrete Repair Institute's conference on concrete repair technolgies, featuring industry show.
46 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

40 ) International Cement Forum, Expocem, Moscow  (English, Russian)
Conference featuring All-Russia Cement Stock Exchange, a specialty exhibition for cement manufacturers.
46 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

41 ) BAU 2017, München  (English, German)
International exhibition on construction materials, equipment and technologies.
45 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

42 ) Possehl Erzkontor GmbH & Co. KG  (German)
Distributor to the metallurgical, refractory and building materials industries
44 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: distributors

43 ) Bau Congress China 2014, Beijing  ()
Conference and exhibition on construction materials, equipment and technologies
44 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

44 ) Digital Concrete 2020 by RILEM, Eindhoven  (English)
2nd RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication.
44 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

45 ) Adhesive and Sealants Council, Inc, ASC  (English)
American organisation promoting adhesive and sealants technologies.
43 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: associations

46 ) VIII. Simposio Brasileiro de Tecnologia de Argamassas, SBTA, Curitiba  (Portuguese)
Brasilian conference on drymix mortars (website for 2009 not yet available, we link to VII. SBTA, Recife, 2007). Exact date not yet available, please check website once this info is there, we put in a dummy date for 2009.
43 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

47 ) bC India 2014, Delhi  (English)
Industry Show of construction machines and technologies.
43 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

48 ) Concetti Group  (Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish)
Manufacturer of packaging and palletizing equipment.
42 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: packaging-equipment

49 ) International Congress on Polymers in Concrete - ICPIC  (English)
International congress at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin, Germany. Topics: Theory and modelling, micro/macro aspects of polymers in concrete, special properties and respective test methods, polymer functions in high performance concrete, innovations in concrete-polymer composites (CPC) (we link to a press release of BAM, since original website is no longer available).
42 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

50 ) Artibat, Nantes  (French)
Regional building materials fair (link no longer available, we link to 2014 site).
42 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

51 ) Construction Indonesia 2020, Kemayoran, Jakarta  (English)
Trade fair for construction materials, equipment, services and technology. Supported by SEADMA's Indonesia Chapter Promindo.
41 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

52 ) Baltimix 2016, Kaliningrad  (Russian)
Annual meeting and conference of the Russian Drymix Mortar Industry, organized by Quintet Agency.
Located in Russian Federation.
40 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

53 ) Casual Meeting during BAUMA 2025, München  (German)
Traditional post-exhibition event hosted by RSVP mandatory to
40 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: event

54 ) Indo Build Tech 2006, Jakarta  (English)
Regional building and construction fair (website no longer available, we link to organizer's homepage).
39 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

55 ) Cinteq-Expo 2024, Doha, Qatar  (English)
Construction equipment, materials and technologies exhibition
39 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

56 ) European Mortar Summit 2025, Düsseldorf, Germany  (English)
Conference, Workshops and Industry Showcase of the European Mortar Organization EMO.
39 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: event

57 ) Budma 2010, Poznan  (English, German, Polish, Russian)
International Construction Fair.
38 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

58 ) 12th NCB Seminar, New Delhi  (English)
12th NCB International Seminar on Cement and Building Materials.
38 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

59 ) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen DGNB e.V. (German Green Building Council)  (German)
Association for the promotion and certification of sustainable building.
36 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: associations

60 ) PCI Baukongress Naturstein, Wittenberg  (English, German)
Series of seminars for all aspects of installation of natural stone, from preparation over application to cleaning and preservation (3 more seminars in Augsburg, Hamburg, Dortmund at a later date in 2006). Congress language is german (no website available yet, we link to PCI's english website).
35 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

61 ) 3rd International Workshop on Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cements, Leeds, UK  (English)
Workshop and curriculum with focus on Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cements at University of Leeds.
34 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: event

62 ) Global Gypsum Magazine  (English)
A journal for the gypsum industry, focusing on gypsum production and use around the world: market information, state of the art technology, case studies and news from the global gypsum industry (link no longer available, we link to 2013 site).
Publisher: PRo Publications International Ltd
33 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: publication

63 ) Tenth International Drymix Mortar Conference, idmmcX, Nürnberg, Germany  (English)
idmmcX unites the drymix mortar industry with its suppliers. The event takes place right before European Coatings Show, the bi-annual and most important exhibition for our industry. The Drymix Mortar Yearbook 2025 will appear on occasion of idmmcX. A casual delegate welcome takes place on Sunday evening, 24. March 2025, commemorating 23 years of
33 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: event

64 ) Gulf Coatings Show, Sharjah, UAE  (English)
Industry fair on coatings, inks and lacquers, featuring a special segment on construction chemicals and drymix mortar technology.
33 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: event

65 ) Royal White Cement  (English)
Manufacturer of white cement as well as high alumina cement and calcium sulfo aluminate cement.
32 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: cement

66 ) Revestir 2007, Sao Paulo  (English, Portuguese, Spanish)
4th brazilian fair on tiles and stones, featuring application technology and -materials.
Located in Brazil.
32 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

67 ) Archidex 07, Kuala Lumpur  (English)
Fair for interior design and architectural finishing products.
Located in Malaysia.
32 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

68 ) 4th Construction Equipment Forum (4. CEF), Berlin  (English, German)
Showcase and lecturing event of construction equipment and -technologies.
32 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

69 ) Concrete Show South America 2023, São Paulo Expo  (English, Portuguese)
Trade fair for concrete equipment, technologies and materials, including construction chemicals for concrete (World of Concrete Brasil). Partner of and ladmmc7.
31 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

70 ) Maltech Srl  (English, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish)
Manufacturer of mortar mixing, pumping and application machines.
30 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: application-machinery

71 ) Bischof + Klein SE & Co. KG  (English, German)
Manufacturer of flexible polymer materials for packaging.
30 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: packaging-equipment

72 ) European Coatings Show Conference, Nürnberg  (English)
Congress on topics around coatings, inks and lacqeurs, featuring a special segment on construction chemicals, Chairmen here: Prof. Dr. Andreas Gerdes, KIT, Ferdinand Leopolder, (on 25MAR25).
29 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: event

73 ) World Ceramic Tiles Forum 2010, Bali and Jakarta  (English)
International annual meeting of the ceramic tile industry, organized by Asosiasi Aneka Industri Keramik Indonesia (ASAKI), featuring a conference in Bali and an exhibition in Jakarta (link no longer available, we link to Asaki website)
28 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

74 ) EIFS Industry Members Association  (English)
American association for the promotion of EIFS.
27 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: associations

75 ) Celotech  (Chinese, English)
Manufacturer of cellulose ethers and itse derivatives (such as HPMC, HEMC, MC, HEC and CMC).
27 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: cellulose-ether

76 ) Analytica 2006, München  (English, German)
International trade fair for analytical processes and equipment for the laboratory (website no longer active, we link to Analytica main page).
27 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

77 ) Jahrestagung der GDCh Fachruppe Bauchemie, Dortmund  (German)
German Society of Chemist's (GDCh's) division Building Chemicals' (Fachruppe Bauchemie) Annual Conference featuring research and development topics of binder chemistry as well as construction chemicals.
27 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

78 ) 6th Australia Drymix Mortar Meeting, Darling Harbor, Sydney, NSW  (English)
For the sixth time, drymix mortar experts from Australia, New Zealand and beyond meet to discuss recent technological developments and regional trends (our 5th meeting took place on 5. March 2020 in Sydney - you know what came next...). We are very glad to be back finally. The 6th Australia Drymix Mortar Meeting takes place at the National Maritime Museum (MuSEAum) in Sydney, on Tuesday, 20. February 2024. The full-day, key event for the drymix mortar industry brings technical and product oriented speeches by renowned experts, as well as ample networking time. The Maritime Museum guarantees elegant surroundings and stunning views of Darling Harbor and downtown Sydney. An industry showcase is accompanying the event. Our Call for Papers is still running until 31. October 2023 - please submit your proposals (lecturing fees apply).
26 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

79 ) VietNam International Conference on Building Materials (ICBM 2024), Hanoi  (English)
Annual international conference on building materials organized by VietNam Institute for Building Materials VIBM, North Branch featuring scientific lectures, a field trip and excursions. Ferdinand Leopolder, SEADMA President was invited to speak on "The Global Markets for Drymix Mortars with Particular Focus on Recent Developments and Trends".
26 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

80 ) Chinacoat 2024, Guangzhou  (Chinese, English)
International Trade fair on paints, coatings and inks products and application technologies
26 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

81 ) NFLG, Nanfang Luji; Fujian South Highway Machinery Co. Ltd.  (Chinese, English)
Manufacturer of drymix mortar plants.
25 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: turnkey-plant

82 ) BFT Betonwerk + Fertigteil-Technik  (English, German, Spanish)
Trade journal for producers of concrete and reinforced concrete products and plant and equipment.
25 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: publication

83 ) Philconstruct 2008, Manila  (English)
Exhibition of construction equipment and building materials (link no onger available, we linnk to 2009 show).
25 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

84 ) Astanabuild 2010, Astana  (English, Russian)
Building & construction exhibition, we link to 2013 website.
25 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

85 ) Turkcoat & Paint Istanbul 2016  (English, Turkish)
For the first time Turkcoat and Paint Istanbul, both fairs for coatings, paints and building products, take place at the same tie and at the same venue (Istanbul Expo Center).
25 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

86 ) Metalform, Ltd.  (English)
Manufacturer of plant equipment for the minerals industry such as coolers, driers and calciners.
24 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: turnkey-plant

87 ) Drywall Finishing Council, Incorporated  (English)
Industry association for all issues that are commonly faced by manufacturers of materials used in the finishing of drywall. Website currently out of function (06/04).
24 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: associations

88 ) Construction Expo Uzbekistan, Tashkent  (English, Russian)
Exhibition on construction materials, equipment and technologies.
24 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

89 ) Arcosa, Inc.  (English)
Design, manufacturing and erection of turnkey plants.
23 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: turnkey-plant

90 ) Nordic Rheology Conference 2004, Reykjavik  (English)
Annual Conference on Rheology, this year with a special focus on “Suspensions, Emulsions and Fresh Concrete” including a workshop titled "Rheology of fresh concrete".
23 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

91 ) Bauma China 2004  (Chinese, English)
International trade fair on construction machinery. Shanghai, China.
Publisher: Munich Trade Fairs Consultancy (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
23 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

92 ) Chemspec Europe 2008, Munich  (English)
International exhibition of fine and specialty chemicals manufacturers.
23 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

93 ) Abrafati, Sao Paulo  (English, Portuguese)
12th International Industry Show on Coating Materials, Equipment and Technology.
23 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

94 ) UK Concrete Show 2024, Birmingham  (English)
Industry fair on concrete and construction technologies.
23 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

95 ) Nigeria Build Expo, Lagos  (English)
9th Nigeria exhibition on construction technologies, materials and services
23 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: event

96 ) Material Innovative Gesellschaft mbH (MIG mbH)  (German)
Manufacturer of chromate-reducing agent (cem-protector) based upon stannous (tin) II sulfate. Several products available in powder form
22 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: cement

97 ) Bundesverband Baustoffe, Steine + Erden e.V.  (German)
German association of construction material manufacturers.
22 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: associations

98 ) Domotex Asia / China Floor 2005, Shanghai, China  (English, German)
Industry fair for floor coverings and textiles, with section for floor construction, tiling and stone materials (link no longer available, we link to actual site).
22 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

99 ) ZAK World Of Facades Egypt, Cairo  (English)
Conference on building envelope systems and materials.
22 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: past-event

100 ) European Federation of Construction Chemicals EFCC  (English)
Umbrella organization of the National Construction Chemicals Associations in Europe
21 Clicks within the past 30 days | Category: associations