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Deutsche Bauchemie e.V.  (German)
German association of the construction chemicals industry, a division og VCI.

Fachgruppe Bauchemie der GDCh  (German)
Section "Building Chemistry" of the German Chemical Society (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker GDCh) - focusses on all issues concerning the topic from the view of the supplying industry, the construction sector as well as the building occupants. The section exists since 1997 an is involved in many normation and specification processes. About 300 participants, annual congress (see: events).

Fachverband WDVS (EIFS)  (English, German)
Industry association for the biggest market of EIFS, Germany. With many detailed informations not only regionally applicable.

European Mortar Industry Association EMO  (English)
The EMO has been founded in 1991 in order to create a technological exchange between mortar manufacturers, harmonize the product definitions and standards and to provide a platform for drymix mortar producers amongst the other construction - related associations in Europe. EMO also publishes online the EMODICO technical dictionary in 5 European languages.

The Middle East Drymix Mortar Association MEDMA  (English)
Industry association of drymix mortar manufacturers and suppliers in the Middle East (Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen

The South East Asia Drymix Mortar Association SEADMA  (English)
Industry association of drymix mortar manufacturers and suppliers in the SEA region (Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Viet Nam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Indonesia).

China Drymix Mortar Council CDMC (in CBMC)  (Chinese)
Association of the drymix mortar industry in China and Hongkong.

EIFS Industry Members Association  (English)
American association for the promotion of EIFS.

Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry  (English)
US-Association for wall and ceilings.

Cembureau, Organisation of the Cement Industry in Europe  (English)
Industry association acting as an umbrella organisation for 23 national cement industry associations. Current prsident: Dr. Sandro Buzzi.

Adhesive and Sealants Council, Inc, ASC  (English)
American organisation promoting adhesive and sealants technologies.

Association of Suppliers to the Thermal Insulation Industry in Russia ANFAS  (Russian)
The Association of Suppliers and Producers of Materials for External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems

European Resin Manufacturer's Association, ERMA  (English)
ERMA was founded in 1994 in order to provide the resins industry with a homogeneous representation towards government and other regulatory bodies. Another vital goal of ERMA is to support communications amongst the members concerning technical and environmental issues as well as normation processes.

Operative Palsterer's & Cement Masons International Association OPCMIA  (English)
US association for plasteres and cement masons.

Industrieverband Hartschaum IVH e.V.  (German)
Association of the German EPS industry.

Natureplus e.V.  (German)
German association with international intentions to provide for environmentably compatible building materials and sustainable construction technologies.

Bundesarbeitskreis Altbauerneuerung e.V.  (German)
Work group focussed upon the renovation of existing buildings (german site).

National Concrete Masonry Association  (English)
Association of manufacturers of concrete masonry blocks.
Located in the United States.

Association for the Control of Emissions in Products for Flooring Installation, GEV  (English, German)
GEV (Gemeinschaft Emissionskontrollierte Verlegestoffe e.V) has been established in order to improve formulations of SLUs, screeds, flooring adhesives and floor coverings in terms of VOC emission reduction. GEV has developed the Emicode product classification system and issues Emicode EC-1 certifications.

British Lime Association  (English)
Industry association of the lime miners and manufacturers.

International Concrete Repair Institute  (English)
American association for concrete repair technology, contractors & suppliers.

British Cement Association, BCA  (English)
National association of the cement industry in UK.

NeMo, Nederlandse Mortel Organisatie  (Dutch)
Association of Dutch mortar producers and partially also an umbrella association of mortar related groups.

European Aggregates Association UEPG  (English)
UEPG was founded 1987 by 16 national industry associations for the manufacture and distribution of aggregates. It focusses upon the implementation of standards, the influencing of EEC issues and policies as well as the developmnet and publication of public relation strategies.

Bundesgütegemeinschaft Instandsetzung von Betonbauwerken, IB  (German)
German industry association for concrete renovation.

Wissenschaftlich-Technische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Bauwerkserhaltung und Denkmalpflege WTA  (Dutch, German)
International Association for Science and Technology of Building Maintenance and Monuments Preservation, with branchse in Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Czechia, Hungary.

Bundesverband Ausbau und Fassade im ZDB  (German)
German Association for Interior Finishing and Facades

Zentralverband des Deutschen Baugewerbes e.V., ZDB  (German)
German industry association for the building trades. Umbrella organisation (amongst others) of German Association of Flooring Installers and German Tile Layer's Association.

National House Building Council NHBC  (English)
UK House building association with focus on warranty and cerfitfication issues (products, contractors/builders, performance).

The Flooring Contractor's Association FCICA  (English)
American association focussing on flooring installation technologies and education of contractors.

Industrieverband Werktrockenmörtel e.V., IWM  (German)
German Association for Drymix (Factory Made) Mortars.

Fly Ash Information Center, Maharashtra  (English)
Information pool on fly ash applications including use as hydraulic binder in drymix mortars.
Located in India.

Bundesgütegemeinschaft Betonflächeninstandsetzung e.V.  (German)
German association for the renovation of concrete surfaces.

Construction Spefifications Institute  (English)
American association of specifiers in construction (architects, engineers, building material suppliers etc.)

International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractors' Associations (IFAWPCA)  (English)
Asian contractors' association, check out sub-page "members" for details on national associations.

Fachverband Fliesen & Naturstein  (German)
Industry association for Germany's tile and natural stone installers.

European Federation of Construction Chemicals EFCC  (English)
Umbrella organization of the National Construction Chemicals Associations in Europe

Floor Installation Association of North America  (English)
Association of floor installers and suppliers to this industry.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen DGNB e.V. (German Green Building Council)  (German)
Association for the promotion and certification of sustainable building.

Syndicat National des Mortiers Industriels SNMI  (French)
French drymix mortar association.

Österreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Putz e.V.  (German)
Austrian Technical Initiative for Renders and Plasters.

Eurogypsum  (English)
European federation of national associations of producers of gypsum products. Its prime aim is to promote both the products and interests of these producers.

AIDICO, Instituto Technologico de la Construccion  (Spanish)
Technological institute for the introduction of modern construction methods for the Valencia area. Issues technical papers and holds lectures.

British Mortar Industry Association MIA  (English)
The Mortar Industry Association is one of the constituent bodies of the Quarry Products Association.

CEPMC  (English)
Council of European Producers of Materials for Construction, the umbrella association for the national concils for construction materials.

Drywall Finishing Council, Incorporated  (English)
Industry association for all issues that are commonly faced by manufacturers of materials used in the finishing of drywall. Website currently out of function (06/04).

Mineral Wool Insulation Manufacturers Association MIMA  (English)
British industry association for glass and mineral wool manufacturers (formerly called Eurisol).

Institut Fortbildung Bau IFBAU  (German)
Joint initiative of architects and builders for education on constrcution technology. Regional focus: south-west Germany.

European Association for External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (EAE)  (English)
Umbrella organisation of European ETICS (EIFS) associations.

China National Adhesives Industry Association CNAIA  (Chinese, English)
Industry association covering adhesives

Bundesverband Feuchte & Altbausanierung e.V.  (German)
German Association for restoration of historic buildings and the prevention and repair of damages caused by intruding humidity.

Bundesverband Baustoffe, Steine + Erden e.V.  (German)
German association of construction material manufacturers.

National One Coat Stucco Association (NOCSA)  (English)
One Coat Stucco is an exterior wall treatment made out of portland cement, sand, fibers and special chemicals. The mission of NOCSA is to promote the manufacturing and installation of quality one-coat stucco. Provides technical information and answers on FAQ's as well as a list of the manufacturing members.
Located in the United States.

Industrieverband Klebstoffe e.V.  (German)
German Industry Association for Adhesive Manunfacturers and Raw Material Suppliers

International Masonry Institute  (English)
US association of the masonry and render applicators and contractors.

British Masonry Society  (English)
Association of the maons and the supplying industry for masonry in the UK.

The German Cement Works Association (VDZ)  (German)
Verein Deutscher Zementwerke e.V. (VDZ).