drymix.info Monthly 187/2016
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drymix.info Newsletter 187/2016; ISSN Number 1613-0111; 01. Dec 2016
1. Casual drymix.info Evening during BAU 2017, Munich, 18. January 2017
2. SEADMA and ThaiDMMA invite to Workshop on Plastering, Bangkok 24.1.2017
3. The Sixth International Drymix Mortar Conference idmmc six, Nürnberg, 03. April 2017: Program
4. SEADMA and MEDMA hold Annual General Members Assemblies in Jakarta and Dubai
5. Wacker Starts up Pilot Reactor for Pressure Copolymerization of Dispersions in China
6. Terraco Joins MEDMA as a Member
1. Casual drymix.info Evening during BAU 2017, Munich, 18. January 2017
The casual (and traditional) drymix.info Evening during BAU takes place again on 18. January 2017 at 19:00 at Hofbräukeller, Munich, Innere Wiener Straße 19, 81667 München (see www.hofbraeukeller.de). The nearby subway station is Max Weber Platz (U4, U5). This no-tie event has become an excellent chance to relax for tired showgoers on "BAU-Wednesday". After a hard day at the fair there is time to network, chat, have dinner with friends and just have a good time. Calucem, Evonik and Wacker-Chemie are sponsoring this evening, thanks a lot!
Seating is limited, so advance registration is absolutely mandatory, please e-mail us to info@drymix.info.
2. SEADMA and ThaiDMMA invite to Workshop on Plastering, Bangkok 24.1.2017
The Thai Drymix Mortar Manufacturer‘s Association (ThaiDMMA) and SEADMA invite to a Workshop on the Use of Mortar Machines in Efficient Construction in Thailand. Location is the splendid Siam Kempinski Hotel. This unique training and exchange opportunity is intended to bring together specialized (plastering) contractors with developers, consultants, architects and the drymix mortar industry. We will discuss the chances of machine supported mortar applications and the increase in efficiency and jobsite logistics. Most of the lectures come from contractors that focus on render (plaster) application, most of the lectures will be held in Thai language. Private Houses Co. Ltd., Pheung Chengtong (working predominantly for SYNTEC), Bouygues-Thai Ltd., Ngamwongwan and Powerline Engineering have already confirmed their contributions and attendance. In the meantime, Siam City Cement (Insee Mortar) and Ubau have pledged support for the event
Supporters can invite their clients, be it architects, consultants or contractors. Details on the event can be found on www.seadma.org. Admission for industry observers is THB 19.500 (500 €) reduced for SEADMA members to THB 15.500 (400 €). Contractors, Architects and Consultants get in free of charge, by invitation of supporters only. The sponsor package for supporters is 2.000 €, reduced to 1.500 € for members, please enquire with us.
3. The Sixth International Drymix Mortar Conference idmmc six, Nürnberg, 03. April 2017: Program
For the sixth time, the International Drymix Mortar Conference idmmc six unites experts from the drymix mortar industry in Nürnberg. As usual, the event takes place on the Monday before European Coatings Show, the bi-annual and most important exhibition for our industry. It features a comprehensive Industry Showcase.and the Drymix Mortar Yearbook 2017 will appear on this occasion (contributions welcome until 31. January 2017, publication fees apply). As always, delegates can enjoy a casual welcome in Barfüsser im Mautkeller on Sunday evening, 02. April 2017 (sponsors still welcome!).
Prof. Dr. Johann Plank acts as the Technical Chairman and he has approved the preliminary program published below (sorted alphabetically by company, subject to change without notice):
Dr. Roger Zubriggen, Akzo Nobel Chemicals: Impact Resistance of ETICS – the Role of the Redispersible Polymer Powder
Ludo van Nes Blessing, Caltra: White Calcium Sulpho Aluminate Cement
Dr. Markus Schmid, Calucem: Influence of the Calcium Sulfate Type on Hydration- and Volume Change Behavior of a new Calcium Aluminate Cement in a Ternary Self-Leveling Compound
Dr. Helge Kramberger, DAW (Caparol): A Novel Thermal Insulation System Using Hemp Insulation Boards
Dr. Jörg Neubauer, Dow Construction Chemicals: Synthesis and Characterization of Cross-linked Cellulose Ethers and their Use in Cement Tile Adhesives
Dani Lado, Ferro: Mortar Coloration: Options for New Designs and Cool Façades
Dr.-Ing. Christian Scherer, Fraunhofer Institut für Bauphysik (Holzkirchen): Construction Materials and their Impact on the Environment
Dr. Funda Inceoglu, Kalekim: Changes in Performance Property and Microstructure of Tile Adhesive Mortars at Different Curing Conditions
Pascal Taquet, Kerneos: Impact of Calcium Aluminate Technologies on the Drying Capacity in Self Leveling Underlayments
Dr. Stefano Carrà, Mapei: A New Methodology to Test and Assess a Tile Adhesives’ Heat Resistance
Dr. Markus Müller, Sika: Challenges in the Formulation of Drymix Mortars Using 'Green' Cement Types
Jens Herrmann, VDZ GmbH: Interactions between Methyl Celluloses and Blended Cements in Dry Mortar
Admission is 460 Euro, reduced to 380 Euro for SEADMA and drymix.info members. Mortar Produrce are eligible to our specially reduced rate of only 280 Euro. Online registration is already available on drymix.info (Visa or Mastercard required).
4. SEADMA and MEDMA hold their Annual General Members Assemblies in Jakarta and Dubai
The South East Asia Drymix Mortar Association SEADMA Ltd. held its Annual General Members Assembly (AGM) at the 11th SEADMA Conference on 17. November 2016 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The Executive Committee took the opportunity to present the most important aspects of the SEADMA strategy for the years to come. Focus will be on the further regionalization and the strengthening of the local chapters in Thailand (ThaiDMMA) the Philippines (PhilDMMA) and Indonesia (Promindo). Lu Jin Ping, Tim Tan and Ferdinand Leopolder presented SEADMA Mortar College, an important activity in the years to come. SEADMA Mortar College partners meet already next week (on 6.12.16) in Sungei Kadut, Singapore.
New members were voted into the EC: Sutip Punyarattanachai of Siam City Cement/Insee Mortar (Thailand, for ThaiDMMA), Gordon Tan of E-Mix (Singapore) and Asanga Abhaywardhana of PT Drymix (Indonesia, for Promindo).
The Middle East Drymix Mortar Association MEDMA e.V. met for its AGM at Al Badia Golf Club in Dubai, UAE on 20. November 2016. Dr. Michael Monz (Dennert Poraver, Schlüsselfeld, Germany) and Guillaume Lafay (Actemium, St. Etienne, France) gave technical lectures. In October and November, MEDMA had conducted a Member Survey, the results of this were presented to the AGM. Immediate actions derived from the survey's results are the establishing of a local chapter in Dubai and the MEDMA quarterly round tables to be scheduled in 2017. The standstill when specifying thermal insulation on new buildings and for retrofitting existing ones in the Emirates is one of the reasons, MEDMA re-installed its Workgoup on EIFS which already met several times in Fall of this year. The core team of this workgroup consists of experts from BASF, Caparol, Henkel Polybit, Mapei, Tecon and Terraco. It will concentrate on the legislation and government bodies such as Dubai Municipality and Dubai Civil Defense to improve the current situation. In the new Technical Bulletin 11, which was presented to the AGM, EIFS is the main topic already.
New members of the MEDMA EC are Albert Thykadavil of Mapei (UAE) and Segi P. Idicula of Kerneos (Calcutta, India). Prof. Dr. Mufid Samarai of Sharjah Academy, UAE was elected the new President of MEDMA. The AGM thanked the outgoing President Mohammed Sanaobar of Wacker, who will stay on as Technical Chairman and also Ammar Ali of Dow for his serving on the EC and as Treasurer for the last two years.
5. Wacker Starts up Pilot Reactor for Pressure Copolymerization of Dispersions in China
Wacker Chemie AG, Munich, Germany, has recently started up its new pilot reactor for the copolymirization of vinyl acetate-ethylene copolymer (VAE; brand name Vinnapas) dispersions under pressure at its Nanjing site (Jiangsu province) in China. The new facility is intended for local research and development activities for the region and will add special grades to the regional portfolio. According to Wacker, the investment was around 2,4 million Euro, the capacity of the new reactor was not published.
6. Terraco Joins MEDMA as a Member
Terraco of Umm al Quwain, United Arab Emirates has recently joined The Middle East Drymix Mortar Association MEDMA e.V. as a member. The company manufactures decorative coatings and drymix mortars such as tile adhesives, renders (also pastous plasters), industrial mortars, waterproofing compounds and last but not least EIFS. Terraco was founde in Sweden in 1986, today Terraco Group (headquartered in Limassol Cyprus) is globally active with partners and entities in 17 Nations throughout Europe, Asia and Africa.
MEDMA warmly welcomes Terraco as a new member.
The drymix.info Newsletter is being sent exclusively to registered subscribers and all members of drymix.info. Editor-in-Chief: Ferdinand Leopolder. Back issues will be published on www.drymix.info.
Should you want to discontinue your subscription, please return this newsletter with the reference UNSUBSCRIBE to info (at) drymix. info. All information © 2003 - 2016 by drymix. info, Ferdinand Leopolder, Tegernseer Landstrasse 26, D-81541 München.
Sincerely Yours, Ferdinand Leopolder