drymix.info News 149/2014
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drymix.info Newsletter 149/2014; ISSN Number 1613-0111; 14. April 2014
1. 28. May 2014: International Forum on Drymix Mortars, Beijing, China
2. Early July 2014: SEADMA and drymix.info Meetings in Makati City and Taipeh
3. Kerneos Sold to Astorg Partners
4. Schwenk Putztechnik Lays Cornerstone for new Drymix Mortar Plant
5. Ardex Acquires Majority of Gutjahr
6. Holcim and Lafarge Plan to Merge
7. Praktiker Sells of Assets in Greece
1. 28. May 2014: International Forum on Drymix Mortars, Beijing, China
The China Building Materials Association CBMA, Drymix Mortar Branch invites to The Sixth China International Forum on Production and Application of Drymix Mortars, Beijing, China on 28. May 2014. This important technical conference is featuring topics on standardisation, new materials and systems implementation. drymix.info has agreed to support this event by connecting RBM to internationally active mortar producers and additives suppliers. Registration for International delegates will be made available via the drymix.info website shortly.
2. Early July 2014: SEADMA and drymix.info Meetings in Makati City and Taipeh
The South East Asia Drymix Mortar Association SEADMA is arranging the First Drymix Mortar Meeting in The Philippines, it will take place in Makati City (exact location tbd.), all interested manufacturers and suppliers are warmly invited to join this important but casual getogether. Focus is on the standardisation of mortars and the enforcement of such standards, also the formation of a local association of quality mortar manufacturers is being dicussed (sponsors are welcome, admission fees apply).
That same week, drymix.info is arranging its first Drymix Mortar Meeting in Taipeh, Taiwan. The meeting is intended for drymix mortar manufacturers, suppliers and their distributors. We will discuss technical specifications as well as possible improvement to the common practice concerning mortar use and especially tile application in Taiwan (sponsors are welcome, admission fees apply).
The exact dates of both meetings will be announced shortly.
3. Kerneos Sold to Astorg Partners
Materis Group, Paris France has recenty sold its subsidiary Kerneos, Neuilly, France to the investment fund Astorg Partners, Paris, France. Long-standing drymix.info industrial partner Kerneos is active in the manufacturing and worldwide marketing of high alumina cement, mainly to the refractory and construction chemicals industry. Kerneos has over 1.300 employees and operates 11 plants and 20 sales subsidiaries, annual sales are 360 mio Euro. "Working alongside us, the Astorg investment fund will be instrumental in helping us (to) deliver continued growth. (...) Astorg (is) a highly motivated and agile shareholder that shares our core values," said Jean-Marc Bianchi, Kerneos CEO. The transaction value was not disclosed by either party.
4. Schwenk Putztechnik Lays Cornerstone for new Drymix Mortar Plant
Schwenk Putztechnik based in Ulm, Germany has recently laid a cornerstone for a new drymix mortar plant at its Wittislingen location. The mixing unit for the production of renders and spackeling compounds should be in operation by October this year. Schwenk Putztechnik operates 7 production plants throughout Germany and is focussed upon renders, screeds and finishing compounds (based upon cement or gypsum) as well as EIFS. The new plant is one of the first to be build from ground up in Germany after the year 2000.
5. Ardex Acquires Majority of Gutjahr
Ardex GmbH, Witten, Germany) has recently acquired a majority share of Gutjahr Systemtechnik GmbH, Bickenbach, Germany. Gutjahr is a manufacturer of subsurface (underground) drainage and ventilation system components as well as (floor) uncoupling systems. "(...) Gutjahr supplies the structurally engineered components and we provide the construction chemial products adapted thereto. Ardex obtains the chance to offer integrated solutions to the market, which were jointly developed, " says Mark Eslamlooy, CEO of Ardex Group. The transaction value as well as the percentage of the majority shares Ardex purchased were not disclosed by either party.
6. Holcim and Lafarge Plan to Merge
The cement giants Holcim (Holderbank, Switzerland) and Lafarge (Paris, France) have decided to combine forces in a merger of equals. Both advisory boards have recently approved the action, as well as important shareholders. With this merger, the new entity would become one of the largest construction materials producer in the world: the joint turnover (based on 2013 figures) is estimated to be 32.000 mio Euro, Ebitda would be 6.500 mio Euro. The partners expect to realize synergies by regrouping and reorganieing in the magnitude of about 1.400 mio Euro within the first three years. Holcim and Lafarge are active in over 90 countries worldwide and supply a wide range of building materials, from aggregates oder binders (cement and gypsum) to downstream products such as transportation concrete and drymix mortars. Designated Chairman of the Board would be Wolfgang Reitzle (currently in the same function at Linde Group, Germany) and Bruno Lafont would act as CEO (currently in the same function at Lafarge). Of course, such a merger requires the approval of several national and supra-national anti-trust authorities, which has not been granted yet.
7. Praktiker Sells of Assets in Greece
BM Praktiker International GmbH (led by insolvency administrator Christopher Seagon, Heidelberg, Germany) has sold off Praktiker Hellas AE- based in Athens, Greece to the Canadian financial service provider Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited, Toronto, Ontario. Praktiker Hellas was the largest company abroad with annual sales of 195 Millions of € in 2012. It operates 14 outlet centers in Greece, and has 1.100 employees. Fairfax takes over all locations and employees and wants to continue the business with the Praktiker Trademark. The transaction value was not disclosed by either party.
The drymix.info Newsletter is being sent exclusively to registered subscribers and all members of drymix.info. Editor-in-Chief: Ferdinand Leopolder. Back issues will be published on www.drymix.info. Please also check our Chinese Edition on www.drymix.info.
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Sincerely Yours, Ferdinand Leopolder