drymix.info News 134/2013
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drymix.info Newsletter 134/2013; ISSN Number 1613-0111; 5. April 2013
1. The Second European Mortar Summit, 6. and 7. June 2013, Barcelona, Spain
2. drymix.info Live with Ferdinand Leopolder on Friday, 12. April 2013, Internet
3.1. 8th Annual SEADMA Conference on 28. November 2013 in KL
3.2. drymix-CONVENTION, early December 2013, Internet
3.3. Third Russian Mortar Days on 28. and 29. January 2014 in Moscow
4. Knauf Completes Integration of USG's European Activities
5. Sakret Joins Drymix.info as Manufacturing Partner
6. idmmc four, Nürnberg, Germany, 18. March 2013: Post-Conference Report
1. The Second European Mortar Summit, 6. and 7. June 2013, Barcelona, Spain
The European Mortar Industry Organisation EMO, Duisburg, Germany, is organizing The Second European Mortar Summit to be held in Barcelona, Spain, on 6. and 7. June 2013. Conference location is Hotel Condes de Barcelona. The conference is being organized by EMO and Asociación Nacional der Fabricantes de Morteros Industriales ANFAP, drymix.info handles the delegate and sponsors administration, Media Partner is ZKG International. The Summit starts with a festive Gala Diner at Restaurant Principal on 6. June (just around the corner from the Hotel Condes de Barcelona), where also accompanying partners are invited (there is a wonderful touristic programme for them organized by Cruz Benedé for them on 7. June). The actual lecturing programme takes place on Friday, 7. June. A moderated Panel Discussion is planned for mid-day. Sponsors include (as of today) Agrana, Calucem, Kerneos, Neuvendis, Parex, Poraver, Saint Gobain Weber and Wacker, main sponsor is Cementos Molins. Sponsoring is still encouraged and welcome, please enquire with drymix.info. The Delegate Registrations has started, already over 50 key executives have registered. Admission is 600 Euro, reduced to 500 Euro for drymix.info members, please register online under www.drymix.info/shop (Visa and Mastercard accepted). Special conditions apply for mortar manufacturers that are member of one of the associations affiliated with EMO.
Important notice: since many of the registered delegates have not yet booked their accomodation, the hotel reservation deadline has been extended to 16. April 2013. Barcelona is busy (and beautiful) in June, so we do recommend you book your room immediately.
2. drymix.info Live with Ferdinand Leopolder on Friday, 12. April 2013, Internet
In cooperation with our partner for drymix-CONVENTION 2013, Vincentz Network in Hannover, Germany, drymix.info is proud to announce the kick-off for the monthly feature "drymix.info Live": On 12.4.2013, from 09:30 until 10:30 and from 15:30 until 16:30, drymix-CONVENTION will open its doors for registered users. Visitors can nose around and get acquainted with all features, and Ferdinand Leopolder will give a live appearance in the Auditorium, followed by an open chat in the Networking Lounge. drymix.info Live Topic this month is "Recent Developments in the Drymix Mortar Market in the Middle East - MEDMA's Activities with Dubai Central Laboratories". We ask for your understanding, that the booths of our 2012 exhibitors are all open for viewing, but not manned (boothchat is disabled).
This is an important test for us and we hope you like it, please participate vividly, this will give us valuable feedback. In order to join, you can just log in using your last year's log-in data or register anew (allow a few minutes and have a foto of yourself ready, see: www.drymix-convention.net/).
3.1. 8th Annual SEADMA Conference on 28. November 2013 in KL
The Executive Committee of the South East Asia Drymix Mortar Association SEADMA has determined the date and location of the 8th Annual SEADMA Conference: the (only) key event for the drymix mortar industry in ASEAN will take place on Thursday, 28 November 2013 at One World Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A Call for Papers is available through drymix.info, it ends on 24. June 2013. Sponsoring, of course is appreciated and welcome. SEADMA will also hold its Annual General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur and a voting will take place for the new Executive Committee. Volunteers from the industry (representatives of mortar manufacturers in the region are preferred) should get in contact with Ferdinand Leopolder, Secretary General of SEADMA.
3.2. drymix-CONVENTION, early December 2013, Internet
The Third drymix-Convention will take place in December 2013 (the exact date will be published soon). The platform is accessible on the internet from any location worldwide. Here, mortar experts can meet and exchange ideas as well as get to know the most recent product and technology developments presented by the raw materials and equipment suppliers. This online event is being organized by Vincentz Network in cooperation with drymix.info.
drymix-Convention features an exhibition hall as well as an Auditorium with over 40 technical lectures on demand by industry experts in the archive. Last years' show had 13 booths mostly from partners within the drymix.info network and almost 600 registered delegates from all around the globe. Each exhibitor could welcome an average of 120 visitors per booth. A delegate survey conducted after drymix-Convention 2012 showed that the delegates were very satisfied with the exhibitors (83% rated them as good and satisfying, 4% even rated them as "excellent"). All delegates questioned were happy about the volume and quality of the lectures at the auditorium (15% rated them as excellent, 81% as good). Almost 70% said that the event was definitely worth their time and useful for their particular job function. 25% pointed out that they made valuable new contacts.
3.3. Third Russian Mortar Days on 28. and 29. January 2014 in Moscow
For the third time, the scientific conference Russian Mortar Days takes place in Moscow, Russia on 28. and 29. January 2014. The event, hosted by the leading Technical University of Russia, the Moscow State Technical University (MGSU) is being organized in cooperation with The Association of Russian Mortar Producers SPSSS and drymix.info. The Technical Chairman is Prof. Dr. Andrey Pustovgar of MGSU. Like the previous events at MGSU, the Third Russian Mortar Days will feature a Technical Conference with approximately 25 Lectures and an extensive Industry Showcase. The Russian Mortar Yearbook 2014 will be published on the occasion of this event. A Call for Papers is available at drymix.info, it ends on 24. June 2013.
4. Knauf Completes Integration of USG's European Activities
In December 2012 Knauf International GmbH, headquartered in Iphofen, Germany and Knauf AMF Ceilings Ltd., located in Middlesex, U.K., bought all wholly owned European business operations of United States Gypsum Corporation (USG) of Chicago, Illinois, USA. Now all operations have been handed over. The businesses include the manufacture and distribution of "Donn" brand ceiling grid and "Sheetrock" brand finishing compounds as well as "Easywin" brand finished windows principally throughout Europe, Russia and Turkey. Knauf AMF is a manufacturer of complete ceiling systems.
Knauf is one of the world market leaders for gypsum products and other building materials, the company has more than 150 production sites worldwide, has about 23.000 employees in 40 countries and in 2008 reported sales of 5.600 mio Euro. USG is one of the leaders for gyspum products in the USA, Canada and México (NAFTA), turnover in 2011 was 3.000 mio US$ (2.335 mio Euro) and employs over 9.000 people worldwide.
5. Sakret Joins drymix.info as Manufacturing Partner
Sakret Trockenbaustoffe Europa GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin, Germany, has decided to join drymix.info as Manufacturing Partner. The company licenses the Sakret Brand to independently partners all over Europe. Today, 33 mortar plants are producing mortars using the Sakret brand. As a fully integrated service provider, Sakret supports its partners with research coordination, technological advice, guiding formulations, sourcing of raw materials and marketing tools with a strong corporate design. The largest makret for Sakret products is Germany (5 partners) and license agreements exist in the Czech Republic, Estland, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Switzerland and Slovakia.
We warmly welcome Sakret to our Community
6. idmmc four, Nürnberg, Germany, 18. March 2013: Post-Conference Report
For the fourth time drymix mortar experts from throughout the world met in Nürnberg for the bi-annual International Drymix Mortar Conference idmmc four. Over 150 delegates from all over the Globe attended the event.
The inofficial idmmc four started with the traditional casual evening (sponsored by Calucem) on Sunday, 17. March at Barfüßer im Mautkeller, a renaissance building built from 1498 to 1502 using Nürnbergs marvellous red sandstone. It houses also a micro-brewery. Close to 100 delegates had already travelled to Nürnberg and came to this Delegate Welcome to renew their contacts, use the relaxed atmosphere for networking to gain new contacts and for having a nice cool beer together with delicious Franconian specialties.
idmmc four itself started at in the morning of 18th March with an ambitious programme consisting of 17 lectures, segmented into four sessions. The foyer was occupied by the Industry Showcase where (in alphabetical order): Agrana, Alzo Nobel Chemicals, Air Products, Acquos, Avebe, Dow Construction Chemicals, Evonik Goldschmidt, Momentive, Kerneos, Schleibinger, Rotec, Poraver and Wacker Chemie presented themselves in more detail to the delegates
The delegates to idmmc four were welcomed by Prof. Dr. Johann Plank of Technical University Munich TUM, Technical Chairman) and Mr. Ferdinand Leopolder. The first session, with Prof. Dr. Andrey Pustovgar of Moscow Technical University as the Chairman, featured lectures Momentive, Wacker Chemie AG, EMPA Switzerland and Akzo Nobel Chemicals AG. The second session was chaired by Mr. Mario Kristeller of MCK Consultoria Sao Paulo, with lectures by Avebe, MC Bauchemie, Rotec and Ube Industries. After lunch the next session was chaired by Mr. C.Y. Tan of mortar manufacturer Easyplas in Shenzen, China, it offered lectures by Peramin, Maleki GmbH, Tolsa, Kalekim and Aalborg Portland/White Division. The fourth and last session of the day was chaired by Prof. Dr.-Eng. Thomas A. Bier of Bergakademie Freiberg. It featured lectures of Akzo Nobel Schönox, Air Products, Kerneos and Dow Construction Chemicals.
The Fifth International Drymix Mortar Conference idmmc five will take place in Nürnberg on 20. April 2015, as usual right before European Coatings Show (21. to 24. April 2015).
The drymix.info Newsletter is being sent exclusively to registered subscribers and all members of drymix.info. Editor-in-Chief: Ferdinand Leopolder. Back issues will be published on www.drymix.info.
Please also check our Russian and Chinese Editions on www.drymix.info.
Should you want to discontinue your subscription, please return this newsletter with the reference UNSUBSCRIBE to info (at) drymix. info. All information © 2003 - 2013 by drymix. info, Ferdinand Leopolder, Tegernseer Landstrasse 26, D-81541 München.
Sincerely Yours, Ferdinand Leopolder