Register already now for drymix-CONVENTION!
Dear Friend,
do not miss everything (again)!
I know it is bad behaviour to start an e-mail with a negative statement. But I want to make you aware that you really might miss out on an amazing experience, if you do not register for drymix-CONVENTION...*. So, let us just start again:
Dear Friend
we miss you so!
drymix-CONVENTION, which our sponsors and we have designed specifically for you and other international experts for drymix mortars takes place already on Wednesday, 05. December, from 08:00 until 20:00 CET. The entire drymix mortar world will be present, from the Philippines to Hawaii. And you have not registered yet?*
It is as easy as one-two-three:
go to and enter your registration information (including a foto of yourself!), your computer will be checked for system compatibility automatically
obtain your confirmation-email and activate your log-in.
THREE (on 05. December 2012)
log in on on Wednesday, 05. December between 08:00 and 20:00 CET and meet us all online.
We hope to see you soon
Eva Schabatin, Ferdinand Leopolder
* If you already did and obtained your return e-mail, please disregard this mail
The Virtual Tradeshow for the Drymix Mortar Industry
05. December 2012 all day, everywhere via internet