drymix.info News 127/2012
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drymix.info Newsletter 127/2012; ISSN Number 1613-0111; 28.October 2012
1. Post-Conference Report: cedmmc three, Istanbul, 15.10.2012
2. MEDMA Invites to Open Members Assembly in Dubai on 05. November 2012
3. The 7th Annual SEADMA Conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, 20. November 2012
4. New Features at drymix-CONVENTION, 05.12.2012: Audio Chat and Matchmaking
5. Knauf is Platinum Sponsor of Advanced Building Materials Middle East Conference 2013
6. Schwenk Spins Off Thermal Insulation Materials Unit to Bachl
7. Austrotherm to Build New Insulative Boards Plant in Wittenberge, Germany
8. What You Should NOT Miss Next Year: Outlook on drymix.info Events 2013
1. Post-Conference Report: cedmmc three, Istanbul, 15.10.2012
The Third Central and South European Drymix Mortar Conference cedmmc three took place in Istanbul, Turkey at Swissotel The Bosphorus on 15. October 2012. The event was a great success, it had a strong participation of the Turkish as well as of the International drymix mortar manufacturers (52%) and suppliers (39%), a smaller group came from distributors, associations and research institutions. All together almost 130 delegates were present. The welcome event took place Sunday night on the roof terrace with an exceptional view on the Bosphorus to both Asia and Europe (sponsored by Calucem and Wacker Chemie). The industry showcase featured Agrana, Akzo Nobel, Billerud, Calucem, Dow, Erisim Makina, Kerneos, Kalekim, Lahti Precision, MIG, Momentive, Poraver, Organik Kimya, Rockwood, Sofraden, Varlik Makina and Wacker. The lecturing companies were: Baumit , Billerud, Dow Construction Chemicals, Akzo Nobel, Entegre, Izoder, Kalekim, Kerneos, Momentive, Organik Kimya, Rockwood Additives, Sofraden and Wacker Chemie. As a special feature the Mega-Project "Maslak 1453" by Agaoglu Architects was presented during lunchtime. Its over 15 towers will feature a fully self contained high-class living area, combined with shops, restaurants offices and small commercial operations. The entire area is surrounded by a park with recreational facilities. The next Central and South European Drymix Mortar Conference, cedmmc four will be organised in autumn 2014.
2. MEDMA Invites to Open Members Assembly in Dubai on 05. November 2012
The Middle East Drymix Mortar Association MEDMA e.V. is inviting all its members and interested industry professionals to attend its Open Members Assembly, Dubai, on 05. November 2012 at Al Badia Golf Club, Dubai (near Dubai Festival City). MEDMA President Laith Haboubi will address the assembly and Ferdinand Leopolder, Secretary General will give a report on the past year. MEDMA will also present its Technincal Bulletin 07 on occasion of this event. Dress code is casual, atmosphere will be similar.
There is no admission charged for this exclusive event, however, we do ask our members and partners to send a maximum of two delegates (additional colleagues are welcome but have to contribute 500 AED each). Advance registration by e-mail is mandatory for all those wishing to participate. Sponsoring is still possible, so far, Ashland Specialty Ingredients and Wacker Chemie AG have committed to contribute towards the cost - thanks a lot!
3. The 7th Annual SEADMA Conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, 20. November 2012
The South East Asia Drymix Mortar Association SEADMA is inviting to its 7th Annual Conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, on 20. November 2012 at Pullman Hotel Jakarta Central Park. This conference has rapidly become an anchor event for the drymix mortar Community throughout South East Asia, India and China. Regular admission is 190 Euro, drymix.info and SEADMA members pay only 160 Euro. Online registration is available at drymix.info/shop (Visa or Mastercard required). Special conditions are granted for Indonesian delegates, please enquire with us.
The Industry Showcase will feature a record amount of displays, we thank our sponsors explicitly. It is supported by: Agrana, Akzo Nobel/Elotex, Ashland, Beumer, Billerud, Calucem, Eirich, Frigmaires, Haver & Boecker, Kerneos, Laticrete Singapore, m-tec, Sofraden, SE Tylose and Wacker.
The Delegate Welcome Cocktail takes place on Monday night, 19.11. 2012, 20:00 at Pizza e Birra, the fabulous outdoor beer bar right next to our hotel (free of charge, but advance registration is mandatory). We are still looking for sponsors for this event (please enquire with drymix.info).
4. New Features at drymix-CONVENTION, 05.12.2012: Audio Chat and Matchmaking
The Second drymix-CONVENTION, the only web-based exhibition for drymix mortars takes place on 05. December 2012 from 08:00 until 18:00 CET. The virtual platform is accessible on the internet from any location worldwide. Here, mortar experts can meet and exchange ideas as well as get to know the most recent product and technology developments presented by the raw materials and equipment suppliers. This online event is being organized by Vincentz Network in cooperation with drymix.info.
Exhibitors, it is as easy as one-two-three: Book your personal tour and successivley your booth by sending an e-mail to info@drymix.info!
In our Sneak Preview, held only for exhibitors and chosen marketing experts last week, we have tried out our two new features: the chat function has been greatly improved by adding a personalized communication center for each delegate AND you can use a Voice over IP (VoIP) function (if your conuterpart has a microphone and speakers attached to his PC or laptop): this means you can actually speak with friends and colleagues like in a real fair! Also, when registering, delegates have the possibility to upload their images with their personal profile, which is very useful for the second new feature: when registering you will be asked several questions concerning your professional interests, these will be compared with other delegate's and then the system will propose to you in a separate window possible "matches": delegates with similar interests. This new service will help the delegates in finding compassionate people and omit having to scroll through the attendance lists. I myself am really curious, who will be proposed to me...
5. Knauf is Platinum Sponsor of Advanced Building Materials Middle East Conference 2013
On 06 and 07 Feburary 2013, Advanced Building Materials Middle East takes place at Burj Khalifa, Dubai, UAE (Armani Hotel). This conference is the follow-up of the successful Middle East Conference on Sustainable Construction, held there in February of 2011. Again, Dubai Municipality, Dubai Central Laboratories and MEDMA are endorsing the event, and recently The Unied Arab Emirates Society of Engineers has vowed their support, too. The conference is organized by Sesam Business Consultants and drymix.info. Knauf UAE has recently signed up as Platinum Sponsor and we warmly welcome them here.
The claim of Advanced Building Materials Middle East is Efficiency – Low Maintenance – Energy Saving The Technical Committee consists of , Hawa Abdulla Bastaki, Director of Dubai Central Laboratory, Dubai Municipality, Eng. Ali Ahmed , Head of Engineering Material Lab Section, Dubai Central Laboratory, Prof. Dr. Mufid Samarai, Sharjah Academy for Scientific Research (Chairman) and Ferdinand Leopolder, drymix.info. The organizers encourage all producers of Finishing Materials with particular focus on m(Masonry Mortars, Renders, Plasters), Insulation Materials, Ceiling Panels, Coatings and Wall Coverings, Tiles and Stones including fixing materials, Functional Membranes and Insulation Systems for Existing Buildings to submit scientific lectures. The Call for Papers ends on 30. November 2012.
6. Schwenk Spins Off Thermal Insulation Materials Unit to Bachl
Schenk Dämmtechnik, Ulm, Germany, has sold its Expanded Polystyrene Boards business (EPS) to Karl Bachl GmbH & Co. KG in Röhrnbach, Germany (near Passau). Schwenk cited strategic reasons for this move and continues to provide mineral wool boards from its plant in Bernburg, Germany (tradename climowool). The value of the transaction was not diclosed by either party.
Bachl was founded in 1926 as a clay bricks manufacturer. After the war, Bachl included other building materials into its portfolio and focusses on insulative boards and films since 1991. Today, the company employs some 1.400 people throughout Germany and Central Europe with insulation board plants in Germany (3), The Czech Republic (2) and Hungary.
7. Austrotherm to Build New Insulative Boards Plant in Wittenberge, Germany
The Austrian thermal insulation materials specialist Austrotherm, Wopfing, Austria has announced the greenfield construction of a plant for thermal insulation panels in Wittenberge, Germany. The site has 114.000 sq. m. and the complete investment is estimated at 40 mio Euro. Austrotherm expects to produce the first Extruded Polystyrene Panels (XPS) by the end of 2013. These water and pressure-resistant panels are being used in crtitical zones in construction, mostly as sub-grade and perimeter insulation. The new plant in Wittenberge is intended to deliver product to Northern, Eastern and Central Germany, as well as to Poland, The Baltic Republics and Scandinavia. According to Peter Schmid, Owner and CEO of Austrotherm, there is a lot of potential for XPS panels even in Germany.
8. What You Should NOT Miss Next Year: Outlook on drymix.info Events 2013
16.1.2013, 19:00: Casual drymix.info Evening during BAU 2013: this traditional, no-ties, no-agenda meeting is intended for our international guests in Munich during BAU 2013. There is a change of place, however, we will meet at Hofbräukeller (Subway Max Weber Platz), not at Unionsbräu, which will close down on 31.12.2012. Nevertheless we guarantee you a simiarly bavarian atmosphere. Sponsoring is still welcome, Wacker and Rotec have already confirmed their support. The event is free of charge, advance registration is mandatory.
6. & 7.2. 2013: Advanced Building Materials Middle East, Dubai, (see item 5 above)
17.3.2013, 19:00: Delegate Welcome Event for idmmc four in Nürnberg, Germany as usual at Barfüsser im Mautkeller, a historic grain depot dating back to 1498 featuring also its own micro-brewery. Sponsoring is welcome, Wacker and Rotec already have signalled their support. The event is free of charge, advance registration is mandatory.
18.3.2013, 09:00 - 17:30: The International Drymix Mortar Conference and Industry Showcase idmmc four. The flagship conference on the scientific evolution of drymix mortars worldwide features 14 lectures from renowned industry experts (Call for Papers expired in October, programme will be presented in the next newsletter). The Technical Panel with scientists from 4 continents is being led by Prof. Dr. Johann Plank of Technische Universität München (TUM). The Drymix Mortar Yearbook 2012 is being published on occasion of idmmc four.
19.3.2013: The Construction Chemicals Session at European Coatings Congress chaired by Prof. Dr. Andreas Gerdes (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT) and Ferdinand Leopolder. The focus of this event is innovation and transfer of patents into the construction chemicals industry as well as foresight processes to anticipate future product performance characteristics. The Call for Papers has ended already, the programme will be announced in this newsletter soon.
17.4.2013: Bauma, the world's largest Industrial Equiment Show takes place in Munich from 15. to 21. April 2013. drymix.info is inviting all tired showgoers to Hofbräukeller on 17. April 2013, 19:00. Sponsors are welcome, registration is mandatory.
6. & 7. June 2013: The Second European Mortar Summit takes place in Barcelona, Spain. It is being organized by The European Mortar Industry Organisation EMO and will feature invited expert lectures on legislative, specification and product development oriented topics for dry and wetmix mortars. Also, two moderated panel discussions will be included into the programme. EMO is the umbrella organisation of the National Associations active in most European countries today. This top-executive event is being accompanied by an industry showcase.
The drymix.info Newsletter is being sent exclusively to registered subscribers and all members of drymix.info. Editor-in-Chief: Ferdinand Leopolder. Back issues will be published on www.drymix.info.
Should you want to discontinue your subscription, please return this newsletter with the reference UNSUBSCRIBE to info (at) drymix. info. All information © 2003 - 2012 by drymix. info, Ferdinand Leopolder, Tegernseer Landstrasse 26, D-81541 München.
Sincerely Yours, Ferdinand Leopolder