drymix.info Newsletter 122/2012
drymix.info Newsletter 122/2012; ISSN Number 1613-0111; 05. July 2012
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1. First Australian Drymix Mortar Meeting, Sydney, 11. September 2012
2. Announcing the Seventh Annual SEADMA Conference in Jakarta, 20. November 2012
3. Istanbul, 15. October 2012 and MEDMA/SEADMA Technical Bulletin 07
4. Tolsa Group Joins drymix.info as Industrial Partner
5. Orascom Egypt Suffering under Impact of Arab Spring
6. CRH Sells Stake in Secil (Portugal)
7. BT Wolfgang Binder Joins drymix.info as Industrial Partner
8. Brenntag Acquires the ISM/Salkat Group in Australia and New Zealand
1. First Australian Drymix Mortar Meeting, Sydney, 11. September 2012
Experts on drymix mortar and other construction products unite for the first time at The First Australian Drymix Mortar Meeting, Syndey, New South Wales on 11. September 2012, from 09:00 until 16:30. Conference hotel is Novotel Sydney Manly Pacific, directly on the ocean. A delegate welcome event is being planned on Monday night, 10. September, we meet in the lobby at 18:00 (currently only Construction Technology Australia is sponsoring this evening, we are looking for additional sponsoring, please enquire with us).
The programme has been finalized in June, and we are proud that we have so many contributions from Australia itself (subject to change without notice):
Valentino de Fazio, Acquos:
The Use of Acrylic Polymer Powders as Additives to Increase Water Resistance in Drymix Mortars
Tom B. Benn, Adelaide Brighton Cement Company: Render – Is there a case for an Australian Standard?
Dr. Rolf Offerhaus, Ardex Australia: (working title) Natural Stone Installation - the Influence of Mortars and Grouts
Graham Larsen-Smith, Construction Chemicals Australia: (working title) Drymix Mortar in Australia - The Evolution of a Market
Scott Worthington, Construction Technology Australia: Lightweight Technologies in Tile Mortars and Installation Systems - A Case Study
Jean-Paul Lecomte, Dow Corning Europe: Silane and Siloxane Based Hydrophobic Powder - Accelerated Ageing of Modified Cement-Based Mortar
Engelbert Köß, Haver & Boecker OHG: State-of-the-Art Bagging Solutions for Construction Products
Andrew Martin, Kerneos: Time Stable Reactivity for Dry Mix Mortars
Udo Wunderling, Knauf-pft: It's Plaster but Faster ! Highly Efficient Render Application Using Machines
Harold Schoonbrood, Wacker: Sustainability in Formulation and Use: Carbon Footprint Savings from Cement Reductions, Emissions, and Energy Savings with EIFS
Admission fee for this Meeting is 240 AU$, an early booking rebate of 50 AU$ is available until 13. July 2012. Admission includes the Delegate Welcome, an extensive information package as well as all food and drink on the day of the meeting. Registration has started already via our website drymix.info/shop (Visa or Mastercard required).
2. Announcing the Seventh Annual SEADMA Conference in Jakarta, 20. November 2012
Chief Executives, Marketing, Technicians and Production experts of the drymix mortar industry and its suppliers in South East Asia will meet for the seventh time: The South East Asia Drymix Mortar Association SEADMA is inviting for its traditional annual conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, on 20. November 2012, from 09:00 until 17:00. The conference takes place at Pullman Hotel Jakarta Central Park. There is still time to actively contribute by proposing a lecture. The Executive Committee of SEADMA has issued a Call for Papers, which expires on 31. July 2012 (available at drymix.info). It encourages speeches by industry experts circling around all aspects of drymix mortar formulation, production and application. A special session of SEADMA's Annual General Assembly will deal with government contact, specifications and introduction strategy of drymix mortar technology. The SEADMA Technical Bulletin 07 will be published on occasion of this traditional industry event, technical articles have to be submitted by 31. July to drymix. info for inclusion (publishing fees apply).
Those delegates already present on Monday, 19. November you can join us for a delegate welcome drink and snacks, which will be served at 18:00 (location tbd.).
3. Istanbul, 15. October 2012 and MEDMA/SEADMA Technical Bulletin 07
Here are short news about our Third South and Central European Drymix Mortar Conference cedmmc three in Istanbul: The event takes place on 15. October 2012, with a Delegate Welcome on Sunday, 14.10.12. The programme will be announced in our next Newsletter. Our Conference location, Hotel Celal Aga Konagi is a beautiful but small boutique hotel and lecturers or staff that wish to stay there are urged to reserve their rooms immediately once their plans become precise.
Conce3rning our Technical Bulletin 07 (TB 07): For the Saudi Road Show, the MEDMA General Assembly in Dubai on 05. November 2012, the 7th SEADMA Conference in Jakarta and The Advanced Building Materials Conference in Dubai in February of 2013, we are currently preparing our TB 07. We are already accepting articles, advertorials and advertisements for this publication, which will reach virtually all decisionmakers in our industry in the Middle East and South East Asia.
4. Tolsa Joins drymix.info as Industrial Partner
Tolsa Group of Madrid, Spain has decided to join drymix.info as an Industrial Partner. The company was established in 1957 as a manufacturer of rheological additives based on special clays for mortar, gypsum and concrete based products. In the meantime its operations are running in more than 60 countries. The company has more than 800 employees. Tolsa's self-dispersing suspension agents for non-asbestos fiber reinforced cement (brandname Cimsil) include a wide range of natural and modified clays based on purified sepiolite, smectites and attapulgite. The materials are being used as functional additive to create antisagging, antislipping effects, to control consistency and (for liquid admixtures) suspension of components.
We warmly welcome Tolsa to our community.
5. Orascom Egypt Suffering under Impact of Arab Spring
Orascom Construction Industries, Cairo, Egypt (OCI) has reported a 54% decrease of net income for the first quarter of 2012. Net profit fell to $94 million from $206.3 million (I Q. 2011). This decrease is partly due to a change in recording of the Group income, but also due to the politically and economically unstable situation in Egypt since the so-called "Arab Spring". Still, OCI, the biggest company in Egypt by market value, remains profitable due to the variety of industry segments it serves. The Group has for example dramatically increased their exports of fertilizers and benefits from construction projects throughout the GCC nations, especially in the field of infrastructure in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
6. CRH Sells Stake in Secil (Portugal)
CRH plc, of Dublin, Ireland, the international building materials company, announces that it has transferred its 49% shares Secil, Lisbon Portugal, to Semapa (SGPS, S.A.), Lisbon, Portugal, its former joint venture partner. Secil is one of the market leaders for cement and also operates substantial mortar capacities in its subsidiary Secil Martinganca. With this unit, Secil has become the key driver in Portugal for automated jobsite processes such as the use of jobsite silos, pumps, mixers and power application equipment for renders and (thick) screeds. The shares were valued at over 550 mio Euro, Semapa had exercised a call option form the Joint-Venture contract.
7. BT Wolfgang Binder Joins drymix.info as Industrial Partner
BT-Wolfgang Binder GmbH of Gleisdorf, Austria, (BTW-Binder) has decided to join drymix.info as Industrial Partner. The plant engineering firm is focussed upon mineral and environmental technology. For the building materials industry, BTW Binder designs crushing, drying, cooling, screening, sieving and sorting equipment as well as fully automated mixing plants for the production of drymix mortars such as renders and (gypsum)plaster, tile adhesives and other specialty mortars. Apart from turnkey projects, BTW Binder also offers modifications and extensions to existing plants world-wide. The company was founded in 1997 and has almost 70 employees today, with an annual turnover of close to 30 million Euro. Since 2011 BTW Binder has a subsidiary in Great Britain, located in Warwickshire near Birmingham.
We warmly welcome BT Wolfgang Binder to our community.
8. Brenntag Acquires the ISM/Salkat Group in Australia and New Zealand
Brenntag AG, Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany has recently acquired the entire business of the ISM/Salkat Group a specialty chemicals distributor in Australia and New Zealand. “The acquisition of the ISM/Salkat Group represents a huge step to achieve our strategic position as a full-line chemical distributor with an established and competitive platform in Asia-Pacific." says Steve Holland CEO of the Brenntag Group. The company states that it aims at enlarging its existing speciality product portfolio in the region for industries like Coatings, Food & Beverage, Personal Care and Pharmaceuticals as well as realizing synergies with existing units and growth in terms of distribution centers. The ISM/Salkat Group expects sales of 95 mio Euro (117 mio AU$) for the year 2012. Brenntag is one of the largest chemical distributors in the world. The company operates a global network with more than 400 locations in 68 countries. In 2011 Brenntag realized global sales of 8.700 mio Euro (12.100 mio US$) with nearly 13.000 employees.
The drymix.info Newsletter is being sent exclusively to registered subscribers and all members of drymix.info. Editor-in-Chief: Ferdinand Leopolder. Back issues will be published on www.drymix.info.
Should you want to discontinue your subscription, please return this newsletter with the reference UNSUBSCRIBE to info (at) drymix. info. All information © 2003 - 2012 by drymix. info, Ferdinand Leopolder, Tegernseer Landstrasse 26, D-81541 München.
Sincerely Yours, Ferdinand Leopolder