drymix.info News 300/2024
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drymix.info Newsletter 300/2024; ISSN Number 1613-0111; 16. May 2024
The drymix.info Newsletter is Celebrating its 300th Edition!
Back in 2003 this monthly newsletter has been established to keep the drymix mortar community informed about what is happening in the industry. Now, more than 20 years later, we are proud to publish our 300th edition. It goes out to more than 10.000 subscribers worldwide, mostly handed on in the subscribers' organization, we estimate a complete reach of over 20.000. In all this time, we published roughly 2.500 news items, and our newsletter has so far been published in English, Chinese and Farsi, as well there were additional, special MEDMA and SEADMA versions. We appreciate the great interest and of course will go on keeping you informed!
1. Post event report: First UK & Ireland Drymix Mortar Meeting Last Month
2. The 5th Central American Drymix Mortar Meeting, Monterrey, 25JUN24
3. cedmmc8 - 8th Central European Drymix Mortar Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 19SEP24: List of Approved Topics
4. Arcosa (OK, USA) joins drymix.info as a Partner
5. Heidelberg Materials Acquires ACE Group Malaysia
6. Ressichem (Pakistan) joins MEDMA as Member
1. Post-Event Report: First UK & Ireland Drymix Mortar Meeting Last Month
The 1st Drymix Mortar Meeting in the UK took place at Worsley Park Marriott Hotel and Country Club in Manchester on 25. April 2024. But not only that: on the day before - in beautiful weather - Blackburn invited to its Golf Competition and many of the delegates joined (thanks for your generous invitation and prizes, Jack, John, and for your patience with absolute beginners ;-). On that evening, we had our Delegate welcome at the clubhouse. Meats and vegetables grilled to perfection, this was again sponsored by Blackburn Chemicals and drymix.info.
To our great surprise and happiness, over 110 drymix mortar experts from Ireland, the UK, Norway, Finland, Belgium, France, Spain, Germany and Poland joined us on Thursday for the First UK & Ireland Drymix Mortar Meeting (it was as if Europe was united again ;-). Our comprehensive technical program gave room for all relevant topics concerning our industry: drymix mortar formulating, production of mortars and application advice as well as environmental considerations and standards framework. Check out the fotos on https://www.drymix.info/index.php?id=1590&L=832 !
The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, so a sequel might be looming in the near future.
2. The 5th Central American Drymix Mortar Meeting, Monterrey, 25JUN24 (S+E)
2.1. (for English see 2.2.) Expertos en morteros Drymix de Centroamérica y el US South-West se reunirán en el Marriott Courtyard Hotel San Jeronimo en Monterrey para la 5.ª Reunión Centroamericana de Morteros Drymix el 25 de junio de 2024. Nos complace anunciar que drymix.info se ha asociado con Kathion, un importante distribuidor de productos químicos para la construcción con sede en Monterrey, y que Kathion ha aceptado patrocinar nuestra reunión nocturna después del evento con refrigerios y bebidas (inmediatamente después el evento el MAR 25JUN24). Además, nos complace dar la bienvenida a nuevas conferencias y presentaciones de productos (sujetas a cambios sin previo aviso):
Agrana México | tbd. | (título provisional) El papel de los éteres de almidón en los adhesivos cementosos para baldosas (CTA)
drymix.info | Ferdinand Leopolder | Normalización de la aplicación de baldosas: un nuevo enfoque según la norma española UNE 138002:2017
Kathion | Tannya Monteverde | Pigmentos de Óxido de Hierro Granulados para uso en Morteros Secos
Sika | Jaime Juarez | Beneficios del uso de Materiales Cementos Suplementarios (SCM) y Aditivos en Morteros/Adhesivos a Base de Cemento
La entrada a nuestra reunión es de MXN 9.800 (USD 595) por Persona, reducido a MXN 7.900 (USD 490) p.P. para socios de drymix.info. Los fabricantes de mortero seco pagan solo MXN 3,500 (USD 210) p.P., existen descuentos de viaje adicionales para fabricantes de mortero seco que vienen del extranjero (consultar con nosotros).
2.2. Drymix mortar experts from Central America and the US South-West will gather at the Marriott Courtyard Hotel San Jeronimo in Monterrey for the 5th Central American Drymix Mortar Meeting on June 25, 2024. We are happy to announce, that drymix.info has entered into a partnership with Kathion - a major construction chemicals distributor with headquarters in Monterrey - and that Kathion has agreed to sponsor our evening get-together after the event with snacks and drinks (immediately after the event on TUE 25JUN24). Also, we are glad to welcome new lectures and product presentations (subject to change without notice):
Agrana Mexico | tbd. | (working title) The Role of Starch Ethers in Cementitious Tile Adhesives (CTA)
drymix.info | Ferdinand Leopolder | Standardizing Tile Application - a New Approach by Spanish Norm UNE 138002:2017
Kathion | Tannya Monteverde | Granulated Iron Oxide Pigments for the use in Drymix Mortars
Sika | Jaime Juarez | Benefits of the use of Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCM) and Additives in Cement-Based Mortars/Adhesives
Admission to our meeting is MXN 9.800 (USD 595) per Person, reduced to MXN 7.900 (USD 490) p.P. for drymix.info Partners. Drymix mortar manufacturers pay only MXN 3.500 (USD 210) p.P., there are additional travel rebates for drymix mortar manufacturers coming from abroad (please enquire with us).
3. cedmmc8 - 8th Central European Drymix Mortar Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 19SEP24
The 8th Central European Drymix Mortar Conference takes place at magnificent Çırağan Palace, İstanbul, Turkey, on Thursday, 19. September 2024. Directly after our conference we board our ship for a wonderful cruise on the Bosphorus via the palace's own jetty. Sponsors here so far are BYK, drymix.info and Kalekim (still looking for more ;-). Here is a short glimpse at our list of accepted topics (in alphabetical order by company, subject to change without notice):
Billerud | Emma Helqvist | Enhancing Productivity and Sustainability Through Innovative Packaging Solutions (PP)
Blackburn | Edward Rushworth | New Product Development for Resinous Flooring Applications (PP)
Çimsa Çimento | Sibel Kurt Sönmez | Application Areas of Calcium Aluminate Cement and Sustainable Solutions (PP)
Elotex/Celanese | Roland Bachmann | Open Time of Tile Adhesive Mortars: Mechanisms, Influencing Factors and New Approaches for Improvement
Dow | Marc Schmitz | Versatile Cellulose Ethers for Multipurpose Use
Haver & Boecker | tbd. | Mission Planet Blue – More Efficient + Sustainable Solutions for your Packing Process (PP)
Imerys | (Alexandre Franceschini) | (wt) Calcium Aluminates as Advanced Binders for Sustainable Construction
Kalekim | Nevin Mermer | Sustainable Approach to Concrete Debris Disposal
m-tec | Kutlu Güvenc | (wt) Integrated Processes - Automated Equipment - High Tech Installation: Production of 3DCP (PP)
Mapei | Dr. Stefano Carrà | Mortar and Use of Mixers and Pumps in 3DCP Applications
Omyaspheres | David González Amago | Benefits of Using Lightweight Fillers in Tile Adhesives and Insulating Mortars (PP)
Omya | Pascal Gonnon | Reducing Dry Mortar Carbon Footprint with Betocarb UF, a Pure Ultrafine Mineral Accelerator (PP)
Organik Kimya | Yeşim İnan Ayas | Re-formulating Cementitious Tile Adhesives Formulations for Decreased CO2eq
Oyak Cement | Ahmet Ördek | A New Generation of Eco-friendly White Cement for Drymix Mortar Applications (PP)
Paul-Scherrer-Institut | Dr.-Ing. Alexander Wällisch | A New Grout for Solidification of Radioactive Waste
Saint Gobain Weber | Gülden Tombaş | Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in Product Development of Drymix Mortars
Wacker Chemie | Dr. Klas Sorger | Improving the Carbon Footprint of Dry-mix Mortars: CEM II Cements in Tile Adhesives – Challenges and Opportunities
The registration for cedmmc8 has recently started on www.drymix.info, standard pricing applies, there is a discount for mortar manufacturers from abroad (enquire with us).
4. Arcosa joins drymix.info as a Partner
Arcosa Specialty Materials of Norman, Oklahoma, USA, has decided to join drymix.info as a Partner. Arcosa was established 60 years ago and mills, processes, and distributes expanded shale lightweight aggregates, minerals, and traditional aggregates. The company is operating in dozens of locations all over the US and Canada.
We warmly welcome Arcosa to our community.
5. Heidelberg Materials Acquires ACE Group Malaysia
Heidelberg Materials of Heidelberg, Germany has acquired the supplier of pulverized fly ash ACE Group of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This sideward integration is part of Heidelberg Materials' decarbonization strategy and is supposed to reduce the CO₂ intensity of cement by using the industrial by-product fly ash to replace part of the energy-intensive clinker. The financial terms of this transaction have not been disclosed by either party.
6. Ressichem (Pakistan) joins MEDMA as Member
Ressichem of Karachi, Pakistan, has decided to join the Middle East Drymix Mortar Association MEDMA as a member. Ressichem was established in 1999 and caters to the needs of the construction and many other industries. Ressichem is a producer of cementitious drymix renders and mortars for both hand applied and machine applications and offers different classes of tile adhesives and grouts. The company also operates an in-house laboratory and a team of service engineers and experienced chemists at its plant in Karachi.
We warmly Ressichem to our community.
The drymix.info Newsletter is being sent exclusively to registered subscribers and all members of drymix.info. Back issues will be published on www.drymix.info. All subscription data is strictly handled in accordance with the European General Data Processing Regulations (GDPR). You can always discontinue your subscription, please return this newsletter with the reference UNSUBSCRIBE to info (at) drymix.info, your data will be erased from our files then.
Editor-in-Chief: Ferdinand Leopolder.
All information © 2003 - 2024 by Micro-Conference Pte. Ltd., 80 South Bridge Road, #03-01, Singapore, 058710, ACRA Reg. Nr. 201202876N.
Sincerely Yours, Ferdinand Leopolder