drymix.info News 284/2023
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drymix.info Newsletter 284/2023; ISSN Number 1613-0111; 5. April 2023
1. Post Event Reports idmmc9, ECS Congress, BTA Singapore with SEADMA and Wacker
2. Casual drymix.info Evening during Bau 2023, Munich, 19APR23: Sponsored by Evonik
3. admmc7/ScalingUp3D, Richmond, VA, June 8+9, 2023: Delegate Registration Started
4. ladmmc7, São Paulo, 7. August 2023: Program, Early Bird Discount for Mortar Makers
5. Ardex Takes over ScoreTech Mortars, Hongkong
1. Post Event Reports idmmc9, ECS Congress, BTA Singapore with SEADMA and Wacker
The 9th International Drymix Mortar Conference and Industry Showcase idmmc9 in Nürnberg last week exceeded our wildest speculations – attendance was the largest ever with more than 165 delegates from 85 companies, of which 35% were drymix mortar manufacturers – even the strike of public transport could not keep us all from being there. Actually, many of our friends had to re-schedule their flights and got stuck in Nürnberg one or two days earlier - so idmmc9 was the place for them to be!
We had a relaxed traditional Delegate Welcome on Sunday evening in Fränkische Weinstube im Handwerkerhof, sponsored by Calucem and drymix.info. On Monday, at the renovated Kleine Meistersingerhalle, idmmc9 featured 18 presentations given by Almatis, BYK, Bischof+Klein, Caltra, Blackburn, Calucem, Dow, Ecocem, Evonik, Fixit, Imerys, Mapei, Nouryon, Omya, Organik Kimya, Parex/Sika, Synthomer, Transform2Innovate (Keynote) and Wacker Chemie. We could proudly welcome delegates from 24 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, UAE, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Mexico, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and the USA.
Remark by the editor: I was out due to CoVid (doing fine again) and I was not missed, although I missed you all. Gabriele, Regine and Karl-Friedrich ran the show, and Prof. Dr. Johann Plank, Prof. Dr. Andreas Gerdes and Dr. Christoph Hahner moderated the sessions. So good to have friends, thanks a lot to you personally from Leo.
The ECS Congress' Construction Chemicals Sessions I and II took place at NürnbergMesse's Congress Center (Messe West) on Tuesday, 28. March 2023. Prof. Dr. Andreas Gerdes of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT and Ferdinand Leopolder (Technical Chairman) had put together a program containing 12 lectures by (in alphabetical order) Blackburn Chemicals, Caltra, Cinkarna Celje, Dow, Ecocem, Imerys, Ionys, KIT, MIG, Parex France (Sika), Universität Kassel and University of Zagreb. Due to the absence of Leo, Prof. Gerdes moderated the entire program (thanks from here!).
Parallel to European Coatings Show, BuildTech Asia 2023 (BTA) took place in Singapore (28. to 30. March 2023). The South East Asia Drymix Mortar Association SEADMA, Ltd. is one of the Community Partners of BTA. Apart from the high-tech booths on the showfloor, the programme featured a substantial sequence of expert lectures on sustainable construction, automation approaches, process optimization (BIM) and 3D Mortar Printing. Malik Jamal Jaffar Ali of Wacker Singapore and Ferdinand Leopolder and Tim Tan of SEADMA had prepared a joint presentation on the use of drymix mortars in 3D printing, both in-situ and for modular parts. It contained the history of 3D printing, the major principles of operation, the materials design and formulations as well as examples of projects from all around the globe. Malik and Tim presented this lecture to the audience at Singapore Expo on Wednesday, 29. March 2023.
2. Casual drymix.info Evening during Bau 2023, Munich, 19APR23: Sponsored by Evonik
The casual (and traditional) drymix.info Evening during BAU takes place on Wednesday, 19. April 2023, 19:00 at Fraunhofer, Munich, Germany (Fraunhoferstr 9, 80469 München; Subway U1, U2). This no-tie event is an excellent chance for tired showgoers to relax on "BAU-Wednesday".
Our Bau-Evening is free of charge (thanks to Evonik!), but seating is limited, so advance registration is mandatory, please e-mail us to info@drymix.info if you plan on coming.
3. admmc7/ScalingUp3D 2023, Richmond, VA, June 8+9, 2023: Delegate Registration Started
The 7th American Drymix Mortar Conference admmc7 and ScalingUp 3D take place on Thursday, June 8, 2023 (Richmond, VA) and Friday, June 9, 2023 (Newport News, VA, USA). The exciting program includes technical lectures and product presentations with particular focus on 3D Mortar Printing. We are planing a festive evening get-together on Thursday, June 8 and are still looking for sponsors for this (please enquire with us).
On June 8, 2023, the assembly moves by coach to Newport News, where our lecturing takes place at Downing-Gross Cultural Arts Center, before we visit 2 brand new 3D Mortar Printing projects executed by Black Buffalo 3D and MAPEI USA (thanks a lot for the sponsoring!). As this housing project is a project by Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg, drymix.info will donate 1,000 USD to Habitat for Humanity on this occasion. Check out our program on our website - there have been quite a few changes since we last announced the program here.
The delegate registration has already started at drymix.info, admission to the events in Virginia in June is USD 695, reduced to USD 580 for drymix.info members and partners; drymix mortar manufacturers pay only USD 360*. It includes all conference materials, breaks and lunch on both days as well as the bus transfer to and from Newport News on June 9, 2023. FYI: there are no single day passes available, sorry.
* Attention drymix mortar manufacturers from outside the US (especially but not limited to Canada and México): there is a USD 100 travel rebate to get from us: please register by e-mail at info (at) drymix.info.
4. ladmmc7, São Paulo, 7. August 2023: Program, Early Bird Discount for Mortar Makers
Drymix mortar and construction chemical producers from Brasil and South America meet with international building materials experts: on Monday, 7. August 2023, the 7th Latin American Drymix Mortar Conference ladmmc7 takes place at Espacio Escandinavo in São Paolo, Brasil. From the proceeds of ladmmc7, drymix.info will donate 1.000 Euro to the urban farmers of Cidades sem Fome. Our Technical Chairman is again Mario Kristeller, here is a short glimpse on our preliminary list of topics (subject to change without notice):
Baumit | Eduard Artner | BauMinator – 3D Mortar Printed Elements for Slabs to Reduce Weight and CO2 Emissions (Video Lecture) | Elementos impressos em argamassa 3D para lajes para reduzir peso e emissões de CO2 (vídeo palestra)
Cidades sem Fome | Ing. Hans-Dieter Tremp | Urban Gardening - a Valuable Contribution to São Paulo's Ecosystem | Jardinagem urbana - uma valiosa contribuição para o ecossistema de São Paulo
Cimental | Naila Nicolau | (wt) Redispersible Polymer Powders for Hydrophobizing Façade Coating Mortars, Tile Grouts and Monocomponent Waterproofing Products | (título provisório): Pós de polímeros redispersíveis para hidrofobização de argamassas de revestimento de fachadas, rejuntes de azulejo e produtos de impermeabilização monocomponentes
Evonik | Jessica Mendez Bisaia | (topic tbd) | (tema a ser determinado)
FLSmidth Ventomatic | Bras Borba | Product Presentation: FLSmidth Ventomatic – the One Source Supplier from the Packing to the Dispatch of Your Products | Apresentação do produto: FLSmidth Ventomatic – o fornecedor único desde a embalagem até a expedição de seus produtos
Fortal/Formitex | Céleste Kim | product presentation, (wt): Additives for Drymix Mortar Made in Brasil | apresentação do produto, (título provisório): Aditivos para Argamassa Drymix Made in Brasil
Haver & Boecker | lecturer tbd. | Product Presentation, wt: Automated Packaging, the Key to Flow in Construction Materials Production | apresentação do produto, (título provisório): Embalagem automatizada, a chave para o fluxo na produção de materiais de construção
Imerys | Andressa Rego | System Calcium Aluminate & Calcium Sulfate: An alternative to the traditional Portland rich system that enables a reduction in binders and improves performance by optimizing the formation of Ettringite | Sistema Aluminato de Cálcio e Sulfato de Cálcio: Uma alternativa ao tradicional sistema rico em Portland que permite uma redução nos aglutinantes e melhora o desempenho otimizando a formação de Etringita
m-tec | Roberto Otto Griese jr. | m-tec's Experience in 3D Printing of Mortar and its Production | Experiencia da m-tec em Impressão 3D de Argamassas e sua Fabricação
Polyplast | Marina Kondratyeva | Product Presentation: Advanced Solutions for Drymix Mortars with High Alumina Content | apresentação do produto: Soluções Avançadas para Argamassas com Alto Teor de Alumina
Universidade de São Paulo (USP) | Dr. Rafael Pileggi |
3D Printing of Cementitious Materials: Challenges and Opportunities | Impressão 3D de materiais cimentícios: desafios e oportunidades
Vale | Luciano dos Reis Bento | Use of Sustainable Sand in Cementitious Compounds | Utilização de Areia Sustentável em Compostos Cimentícios
Admission to ladmmc7 is 450 €, reduced to 350 € for SEADMA, drymix.info or MEDMA Partners. Drymix mortar producers pay only 190 €. Early Bird Special for mortar manufacturers until 30. April 2023: 150 € p.p. Please register online on www.drymix.info using your credit cards (Visa or Master).
5. Ardex Takes over ScoreTech Mortars, Hongkong
Ardex GmbH of Witten, Germany has recently taken over ScoreTech Mortars Co. Ltd. in Kowloon, Hongkong. The company, founded in 1999, produces a full portfolio of drymix mortars such as renders, cementitious tile adhesives (CTA), (precision) grouts, waterproofing compounds and materials for concrete renovation and refurbishment. ScoreTechs mainly caters to the public housing sector (Hongkong Housing Authority HHA). The company produces its products at a new facility in Dongguan (Mainland China), and thus also has access to the Great Bay Area (Guangdong Area). ScoreTech Mortars and its management will continue to operate independently from Ardex in the markets of Southern China. A transaction value was not disclosed.
The drymix.info Newsletter is being sent exclusively to registered subscribers and all members of drymix.info. Back issues will be published on www.drymix.info. All subscription data is strictly handled in accordance with the European General Data Processing Regulations (GDPR). You can always discontinue your subscription, please return this newsletter with the reference UNSUBSCRIBE to info (at) drymix.info, your data will be erased from our files then.
Editor-in-Chief: Ferdinand Leopolder.
All information © 2003 - 2023 by Micro-Conference Pte. Ltd., 80 South Bridge Road, #03-01, Singapore, 058710, ACRA Reg. Nr. 201202876N.
Sincerely Yours, Ferdinand Leopolder