drymix.info News 264/2022
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drymix.info Newsletter 264/2022; ISSN Number 1613-0111; 10. February 2022
1. admmc7, Toronto: Postponed & Relocated to June 8, 2023 in Richmond, VA
2. 6th MORTAR CONVENTION Extended to Friday, March 25, 2022 („Americas Day“)
3. Drymix Mauritius Joins drymix.info as Manufacturing Member
4. Mapei Acquires Resipoly, France
5. Holcim Acquires PRB Group France and P.T.B. Belgium
6. Knauf Insulation to Increase Capacity at Bernburg Plant
1. admmc7, Toronto: Postponed & Relocated to June 8, 2023 in Richmond, VA
We regretfully have to announce, that our 7th American Drymix Mortar Conference admmc7 and Industry Showcase has to be postponed yet again! This in-person event was initially planned in Toronto for April 2020, then moved to April of this year. This was a hard decision to make and we apologize for any inconveniences caused by it, especially our supporters and lectures: Actemium, Almatis, Bischof + Klein, Blackburn, Caltra, Calucem, Colorado School of Mines, Evonik, Haver Filling Systems/Haver&Boecker, ICON, Imerys, Laticrete, Omya, Organik Kimya, Polyplast, Technische Universität München TUM and Wacker Chemie.
In the past weeks, we have observed and analyzed the situation for travel and meeting and found, that the peak of the current infections has not been reached yet, neither in Canada nor in the US, that several companies have internal travel bans in place (not allowing many of our delegates to come to Toronto) and that even fully vaccinated delegates from the US would have to undergo PCR testing prior to their trip AND again to get back into the US. In this light, Canada has become a foreign nation within NAFTA.
Here is the good news: on the advice of our peers, we have decided to re-schedule admmc7 more into early summer, and to a warmer place in the US next year: we chose Richmond, VA and Thursday June 8, 2023. We are pretty sure that by then it will be safe to meet for all of us.
PLUS: we have decided to add a special „Americas day“ to our 6th MORTAR CONVENTION, good bit of our program initially planned for Toronto will be screened during this Live Event Online (see next item).
2. 6th MORTAR CONVENTION Extended to Friday, March 25, 2022 („Americas Day“)
Due to the shifting of admmc7 to June 8, 2023, drymix.info has decided to extend the upcoming 6th MORTAR CONVENTION by one day to accommodate our delegates from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska. Thus, the 6th MORTAR CONVENTION has become a truly global event, with broadcasts for all relevant time zones. The new dates for this Live Event Online are:
22. March 2022 (for Australia/New Zealand)
23. March 2022 (for Eastern Asia and South East Asia SEA)
24. March 2022 (for India, Middle East, Africa and Europe)
25. March 2022 (for Northern, Central and Southern America)
The program will be announced in a special Newsletter next week, contributors include Actemium, Ardex, Baumit, Bischof + Klein, Blackburn, Caltra, Celanese/Elotex, Haver&Boecker, Imerys, NFLG, Omya, RLA Polymers, SAS Australia, Schleibinger, Shandong Shengchuan, Sika, Ultratest, Wacker Chemie
Registration of delegates has already started on www.drymix.info, admission (this is now a FOUR-day-pass!) to the 6th MORTAR CONVENTION is 120 Euro, reduced for drymix.info, SEADMA and MEDMA partners to 80 Euro. Drymix Mortar Manufacturers pay only 40 Euro (Attention sponsors: there are attractive invitation options available to invite your clients!).
3. Drymix Mauritius Joins drymix.info as Manufacturing Member
Drymix Ltd, Bambous, Mauritius, has recently joined the drymix.info, The International Community for Drymix Mortars as Manufacturing Member. Drymix Ltd was founded in 1996 and is owned by United Basalt Products (Le Groupe UBP, also Mauritius). The company produces ready-to-use drymix mortar in for Mauritius and surrounding islands, Drymix Mauritius' entire product range is being developed and manufactured locally. Drymix Ltd. also runs its own „Drymix Masons School“, where masons and engineers/specifiers are trained for quality work with drymix mortars.
We warmly welcome Drymix Ltd Mauritius to our community.
4. Mapei Acquires Resipoly, France
Mapei Spa of Milan, Italy has acquired the french manufacturer of synthetic resin, Resipoly Chrysor, St. Mars la Briere, France together with their industrial flooring specialist Eurosyntec, Villeneuve-Le-Roi, France. Resipoly is specialized on products based on synthetic resin used for floor covering as well as sealing and protection of surfaces used in construction, industry, infrastructure and the sports and leisure sector. With about 100 employees at their 3 French locations, Resipoly generated a turnover of 22 mio Euro in 2021. Mapei already is present in France with their subsidiary Mapei France, with about 300 employees in 3 production plants. Mapei also operates a R&D laboratory and a training center in France.
5. Holcim Acquires PRB Group France and P.T.B. Belgium
Holcim of Zug, Switzerland, a globally active manufacturer of cement, concrete and aggregates, has recently acquired Groupe PRB, La Mothe-Achard, France and P.T.B.-Compaktuna, Gent, Belgium. PRB, founded in 1975 is a manufacturer of building materials such as coatings, External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS), construction adhesives, renders and flooring compounds. PRB operates 5 plants throughout France. It had a turnover of about 200 Mio Euro in 2020 and employs over 700 people. P.T.B.-Compaktuna, founded in 1957, develops and produces specialty drymix mortars cement-based adhesives, plasters and primers) as well as a line of liquid dispersions and sealants. With 42 employees and a turnover of 24 Mio Euro in 2020, P.T.B. operates mainly in the Benelux area and Northern France.
6. Knauf Insulation to Increase Capacity at Bernburg Plant
Knauf Insulation GmbH, Simbach am Inn, Germany has announced it will modernize its production of mineral wool insulation at their Bernburg, Germany plant. The re-build and de-bottlenecking is planned for several weeks and is expected to yield a significant increase in capacity. According to Knauf Insulation, supply availability will not be compromised during this period. “The hunger for insulation materials in the market requires from us to use our capacities efficiently,“ said Michael Huesmann, KnaufInsulation's director for Western and Central Europe, „...facing the situation that the plant will have to run continuously at full capacity, operational reliability also plays a major role.“
KnaufInsulation operates 29 manufacturing sites in 15 countries, with focus on the US, Europe, Russia and the Middle East.
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Editor-in-Chief: Ferdinand Leopolder.
All information © 2003 - 2022 by Micro-Conference Pte. Ltd., 80 South Bridge Road, #03-01, Singapore, 058710, ACRA Reg. Nr. 201202876N.
Sincerely Yours, Ferdinand Leopolder