drymix.info News 253/2021
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drymix.info Newsletter 253/2021; ISSN Number 1613-0111; 20. May 2021
1. Winners of the Busiest Networker Raffle during 5th MORTAR CONVENTION
2. Post Event Report: 5th MORTAR CONVENTION, 27. to 29. April 2021
3. Bavarian Government Allows Live Trade Fairs from 1. September 2021
4. The 8th International Drymix Mortar Conference idmmc8, 13. September 2021, Nürnberg, Germany
5. Egypt Drymix Mortar Meeting on 20. October 2021
6. Taking Place a Live Event in October 2021: Cersaie, Bologna, Italy
7. Ecocem Raises 22,5 mio Euro in New Capital from BEV
1. Winners of the Busiest Networker Raffle during 5th MORTAR CONVENTION
When hunting for the busiest networker during the 5th MORTAR CONVENTION end-April, we computed the amount of visits to the Industry Showcase, the overall time spent there (and in the bar) and combined it with the participation in our lecture evaluations (Slido). Legal recourse is excluded, however each recipient of a prize can refuse to accept it. In case one of our main prizes gets refused, we will determine a runner-up.
The first prize, a “visit to the Oktoberfest” (unfortunately only in 2022, 2021 is cancelled) goes to Dr. Irena Stein, Germany, the second prize, “Home Office Fitness with Leo” goes to Zirahuen Camacho, Mexico and the third prize, “Leo cooks for you” goes to Michael Duarte, USA.
Also pretty busy were Jonas Bigom, Denmark, Bernard Salesses, France, Stefan Huster, Germany, Romain Techer, France, JC Chong, Singapore, Felix Beck, Germany, Jemmy Yao, China, Narcisco Guzman, Mexico, Lin Kim, Singapore and Marcin Kupinski, Poland. Their prize is a “personalized voucher for one free admission to a drymix.info event” (valid until 31.12.2022).
Close, but not quite as busy and thus the recipients of our fun prizes are: Matthew D. Carli, USA, Adinat Chaisuan, Thailand, Roland Friedel, Germany, Lee Wee Shen, Malaysia, Malik Jamal, Singapore, Joachim Jung, Germany, Alex Rubin, Australia, Johan Saba, France and Yeo Boon Khee, Singapore.
2. Post Event Report: 5th MORTAR CONVENTION, 27. to 29. April 2021
About two weeks ago, from 27. to 29 April 2021, the 5th MORTAR CONVENTION took place in three segments, EAST (27.9.21), WEST (April 28, 2021) and CENTRAL (29. April 21). Here is a short reports on empirics and delegate activities:
A total of 325 delegates registered to our event, about 55% of the active users were drymix mortar manufacturers, 31% came from raw material and equipment suppliers, the rest from distributors and research & development. We had a great Chat activity with over 7.000 chat items, if you deduct multiple chats, we came up with 4,8 chats per delegate. Our Industry Showcase consisted of over 30 company displays and we thank those explicitly for their support.
It was a lot of fun producing the Live Event Online during those three days, we had about 20 “studio guests” each day in our live platform. The 5th MORTAR CONVENTION also featured two panel discussions and a live workshop, which are all being featured in our Post Event Viewing Section on www.drymix.info). This exclusive service is accessible for registered delegates only, we will inform all about the access codes needed on Monday. Don't miss the training opportunities of “home office fitness” there...
3. Bavarian Government Allows Live Trade Fairs from 1. September 2021
On 19. May 2021, the government of Bavaria, Munich, Germany has issued an ordnance allowing person-to-person meetings and events such as industry fairs and trade shows starting from 1. September 2021. Of course hygiene restrictions and concepts to protect from Corona must be in place. Nevertheless, this ordnance indirectly gives a green light and encouragement to the organizers, immediately affected are the 8th International Drymix Mortar Conference idmmc8, 13. September 2021, and the European Coatings Show (14. to 16. 9. 2021), both in Nürnberg, Germany
4. The 8th International Drymix Mortar Conference idmmc8, 13. September 2021, Nürnberg, Germany
The 8th International Drymix Mortar Conference and Industry Showcase idmmc8 takes place in Nürnberg, Germany, on Monday, 13. September 2021 (if we can find sponsors for it, there will also be a casual Delegate Welcome on Sunday, 12.9.21). Despite the global travel restrictions, we hope that idmmc8 will be a truly international event where you can meet and network extensively (our program provides gives ample time for this!). Our Technical Chairman is again of Prof. Dr. Johann Plank of Technische Universität München, Germany (TUM). Our Call for Papers has expired on 30. April 2021, we will publish the program in the next drymix.info Newsletter. So far (subject to change without notice), Baumit, Blackburn Chemicals, Caltra, Calucem, Dow, Ecocem, Evonik, Haver&Boecker, Imerys, Organik Kimya, Pagel Spezialbeton and the TUM have confirmed contributions.
In these special times, drymix.info would appreciate your early commitment as to participation as delegate or active sponsor. Planning will be easier this way. Don't worry: if the European Coatings Show has to be cancelled against all odds, idmmc8 will be cancelled, too. In this case, 100% of the net value of prepaid tickets or sponsoring fees will be refunded within October 2021.
Admission to idmmc8 is 550 Euro, reduced to 420 Euro for drymix.info, SEADMA and MEDMA members. There is a special admission for drymix mortar manufacturers which is only 280 Euro (no further deductions applicable to this special offer). Registration with credit card payment (Visa or Mastercard only) is open on www.drymix.info. Please note that these prices include 19% German VAT.
5. Egypt Drymix Mortar Meeting on 20. October 2021
As a result of our 5th MORTAR CONVENTION, where we had Prof. Dr. Ghada Bassioni of Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt several times as studio guest we decided to organize the Egypt Drymix Mortar Meeting in Cairo, Egypt on Wednesday, 20 October 2021. This half day meeting, organized at and with our partner, Ain Shams University, will feature scientific lectures on drymix mortar applications and, if we can find sponsoring, an evening cruise on the Nile river. The Call for Papers (ending 30. June 2021) is available at drymix.info and early submission of topics is appreciated. Also, dear drymix mortar industry: please commit to sponsoring and supporting this important meeting. Get going!
Admission to the Egypt Drymix Mortar Meeting is 280 Euro, reduced to 180 Euro for drymix.info, SEADMA and MEDMA members. There is a special admission for drymix mortar manufacturers which is only 90 Euro per person (no further deductions applicable to this special offer). There is a contingent of 20 admissions set aside for students and faculty of Ain Shams University free of charge. Registration with credit card payment (Visa or Mastercard only) will be available on www.drymix.info from next week.
6. Taking Place a Live Event: Cersaie Bologna, 27.9. to 1.10. 2021
Confindustria Ceramica and Edil.Cer. SpA, both Sassuolo, MO, Italy have recently confirmed that their International Salon for Ceramics and Bathroom Appliances and Accessories CERSAIE will take place as physical, person-to-person event from 27. September to 1. October 2021 in Bologna, Italy. The Government of Italy has allowed this and similar events starting 1. Juliy 2021. According to the organizers, almost 80% of the exhibition space has been reserved already, over 50% of which by international exhibitors.
7. Ecocem Raises 22,5 mio Euro in New Capital from BEV
Ecocem Materials, Ltd., Dublin, Ireland, has recently acquired 22,5 mio Euro equity investment capital from Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV, Menlo Park, CA, USA) and Breakthrough Energy Ventures-Europe (BEV-E, Brussels, Belgium), both part of the Breakthrough Energy Network, founded by Bill Gates in 2015. Ecocem is focussed on the development and production of slag-based (GGBFS) and other green cements as low-carbon (but equally performing) alternative to Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). The new materials have a significantly lower clinker content. Ecocem operates four plants in Ireland, The Netherlands and France and currently produces over 2 mio t of so-called green cements per year. Donal O’Riain, founder and Managing Director of Ecocem said: “(...) rapid decarbonization of cement manufacture is vital for the planet, and (...) it can be achieved through innovation and the diffusion of new technology. Together we can now meet this challenge with renewed urgency and ambition.” BEV's Carmichael Roberts said: “There’s no question the cement and concrete sector is a massive contributor to global carbon emissions and one of the hardest to abate, that’s why we’re excited about the work Ecocem has been doing in Europe (...) This type of cross industry collaboration is needed to drive real change.”. Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV) was formed to support and promote net-zero carbon initiatives in order to (...) fight climate change by investing in clean energy innovation.". BEV has a committed capital of 1.666 mio Euro (USD 2,000 mio) which comes from international business leaders such as Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Jack Ma, George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg. BEV will also nominate a director to Ecocem's Board of Directors.
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Editor-in-Chief: Ferdinand Leopolder.
All information © 2003 - 2021 by Micro-Conference Pte. Ltd., 80 South Bridge Road, #03-01, Singapore, 058710, ACRA Reg. Nr. 201202876N.
Sincerely Yours, Ferdinand Leopolder