drymix.info News 209/2018
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drymix.info Newsletter 209/2018; ISSN Number 1613-0111; 12. June 2018
1. Malaysia DMMA Meets in Kuala Lumpur on 13. July 2018
2. SEADMA Vietnam Kick-off Meeting in Ho Chi Minh City: 17. July 2018
3. The 2nd South American Drymix Mortar Meeting, Medellín, 21.8.18
4. 13th Annual SEADMA Conference, 7. and 8. November 2018, Bangkok: Call for Papers Ends 30.6. 18
5. Outlook into 2019: CfPs for Nürnberg issued, Casual Events during BAU and BAUMA 2019
6. Imerys Aluminates to Increase Prices for High Alumina Cements
7. Lahti Precision Sells Glass Division to Zippe
8. CFF Acquires International Fiber Europe
9. Knauf Reaches Agreement to Finally Take over US Gypsum
1. Malaysia DMMA Meets in Kuala Lumpur on 13. July 2018
The newly formed Malaysia Drymix Mortar Manufacturer's Association (MDMMA, Society in Formation) holds its annual meeting in Kuala Lumpur on Friday, 13. July 2018 (lunch meeting near KL Sentral, exact location yet to be determined). The main items on the agenda are institutional cooperations, standardization, contractor education, new members as well as the status of the registration procedure at Malaysia Registry of Societies. İt is important that all Founding Members are present, since some paperwork has to be signed and our revised constitution has to be reviewed. Founding Members will be contacted by SEADMA in a separate e-mail during the coming weeks.
By the way: this is a good occasion for mortar manufacturers not yet member in MDMMA to finally join our new association and SEADMA local chapter for Malaysia.
Attendance is free of charge for drymix mortar manufacturers (up to two delegates per company, additional delegates pay only 150 € per person), but advance registration is absolutely mandatory. Industry observers pay 350 €, reduced to 270 € for SEADMA or drymix.info partners.
2. Drymix Mortars in Viet Nam - SEADMA Meeting in Ho Chi Minh City: 17. July 2018
Registrations are coming in for The SEADMA Vietnam Kick-off meeting which takes place on Tuesday, 17. July 2018 from 13:00 to 18:00 at the historic Continental Hotel in Ho Chi Minh City. In the meantime, we have also found sponsors for this event and have decided to give them the chance to present themselves during the meeting (see our revised preliminary program below).
Ferdinand Leopolder, SEADMA: About SEADMA as an Umbrella Organisation for all Nations of ASEAN
Kari Saarinen, Lahti Precision: Company Presentation
Nicolas Laurent, Actemium: Company Presentation
Olaf Micke, Haver & Boecker: Company Presentation
Terence Yong, Pye Products (SEADMA): Industry Associations – the Key to Success in National Markets (Know How Transfer)
(tbd.), Vietnam Building Materials Institute, South Branch (VIBM South): The Status of the Standardisation of Drymix Mortars in Viet Nam
Attendance is free of charge for drymix mortar manufacturers (up to two delegates per company, additional delegates pay only VND 4.200 | 150 € per person), but advance registration is absolutely mandatory. Simulataneous translateion Vietnamese <=> English will be provided. Industry observers pay VND 10.000 | 350 €, reduced to VND 7.500 | 270 € for MEDMA or drymix.info members.
3. The 2nd South American Drymix Mortar Meeting, Medellín, 21.8.18: Registrations Vivid
The 2nd South American Drymix Mortar Meeting promises to become a wonderful meeting with confirmed attendance from Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, some Carribbean States and of course Colombia. It takes place on Tuesday, 21. August 2018 at Intercontinental Hotel, Medellín, Colombia. This Meeting gives drymix mortar experts the ideal occasion to meet, chat, network and grasp future trends for our industry. The meeting takes place on the day before Expocamacol, an important industry show expected to draw a crowd of over 60.000 visitors, one more reason to come to Medellín in August.
The admission to the 2nd South American Drymix Mortar Meeting is 350 Euro, reduced to 270 Euro for members of drymix.info. Mortar Manufacturers pay only 150 Euro. Online registration (visa or Mastercard required) is available on www.drymix.info. Special rebates are available for delegates of drymix mortar producers flying in from other Central American Nations, please enquire with us!
4. 13th Annual SEADMA Conference, 7. and 8. November 2018, Bangkok: Call for Papers Ends 30.6.18
The South East Asia Drymix Mortar Association SEADMA invites to its 13th Annual Conference and Industry Showcase on Thursday, 8. November 2018 in Bangkok (the exact location is still tbd.). On the day before (Wednesday 7.11.18, from 13:00) SEADMA will organize a Mortar Technology Day, which is intended for SEADMA Members (manufacturers of drymix mortars only) to invite their clients and to present their technologies to this audience of developers, consultants and architects. In the evening of 7.11.18, we plan a get-together of all delegates (sponsors needed!). The next day, the 13th Annual SEADMA conference will take place in the “classic” way. The Call for Papers for this conference expires on 30. June 2018. Lecturers are reminded to consider submitting articles to our Technical Bulletin, which will be published on occasion of this conference.
Access to The Mortar Technology Day on 7.11.18 is by invitation only, cost will be published to the sponsors individually. Admission to the 13th Annual SEADMA Conference on 8.11.18 is 350 €, reduced to 270 € for SEADMA, drymix.info or MEDMA Partners. Drymix mortar producers pay only 150 €. In order to encourage mortar manufacturers from abroad to join us in Bangkok, a further reduction of -50 € applies for mortar producers from outside Thailand.
5. Outlook into 2019: CfPs for Nürnberg issued, Casual Events during BAU and BAUMA 2019
For the seventh time, drymix.info is inviting to Nürnberg for The International Drymix Mortar Conference idmmc7 on 18. March 2019 in Kleine Meistersingerhalle. As usual, we will have a nice and casual delegate warmup event on Sunday, 17.3.18 at Barfüsser im Mautkeller, too. Our Call for Papers has recently been issued and is available from drymix.info, it expires on 30. September 2018.
On 19. March 2019, The European Coatings Congress' Construction Chemical Sessions will take place (at Messe Nürnberg). Prof. Dr. Andreas Gerdes, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Ferdinand Leopolder are the Technical Chairmen. Here, too, a Call for Papers has been issued, it expires on 14. September 2018.
In 2019, the building machinery, services and materials industry comes to Munich twice: for BAU 2019 (14. to 19. January 2019) and for BAUMA 2019 (8. to 14. April 2019). drymix.info and its partners are inviting to their traditional gettogethers during those event to Hofbräukeller: on 16.January 2019 and on 10. April 2019. Sponsors are definitely welcome for those two casual meetings, please enquire with us.
6. Imerys Aluminates to Increase Prices for High Alumina Cements
Imerys Aluminates SA, Paris, France, will raise its prices for all high alumina cement products (>65% Alumina) by an average of 10%, effective as of 1. July 2018. The company has also announced it will revise all existing contracts. According to Imerys the increase became necessary due to recent and unexpected US, Chinese, and Brazilian government actions on alumina. Also, the company cites higher prices for energy, environment, transport and other raw material as reasons for the increase.
7. Lahti Precision Sells Glass Division to Zippe
Lahti Presision of Lahti, Finland, has recently sold its glass batching plant business to Zippe Industrieanlagen GmbH, Wertheim, Germany. Zippe will continue doing business in Lahti under the name of Lahti Glass Technology Oy. With this sale, Lahti is now entirely focussed on its weighing and drymix mortar plant technology business. Lahti Precision (by its former name, Raute Precision) is a Founding Partner of drymix.info.
8. CFF Acquires International Fiber Europe
CFF GmbH & Co., Gehren, Germany, has recently acquired International Fiber Europe N.V. in Temse, Belgium (IFE) from its mother company, International Fiber Corporation, New York, NY, USA. Since 1973, IFE had been producing natural cellulose fibers in Belgium from various raw materials such as wood, sugar cane, wheat and bamboo at the Temse location. Focus industries of the plant are food and industrial applications. The activity IFE will be renamed to CFF Belgium N.V. A transaction value was not disclosed by either party.
CFF produces natural fibers for food applications, animal nutrition, filtration as well as other industrial applications and is a long-standing Partner of drymix.info.
9. Knauf Reaches Agreement to Finally Take over US Gypsum
Gebr. Knauf KG (Knauf Gips), Iphofen, Germany had recently made another offer to take over the remaining shares of USG Corp., Chicago, Illinois, USA (we reported earlier). The shareholders opposed to the offer. After 2 months of negotiations, Knauf agreed to add 5% to the deal (the expected “sweetened offer”) and reached agreement to take over the company. The final price is now 5.984 mio Euro (USD 7.000 mio, equivalent to US$ 42 per share). After integrating USG Europe back in 2013, Knauf has now taken over all the remaining operations of its former rival in the gypsum board industry.
The drymix.info Newsletter is being sent exclusively to registered subscribers and all members of drymix.info. Back issues will be published on www.drymix.info.
Editor-in-Chief: Ferdinand Leopolder.
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All information © 2003 - 2018 by Micro-Conference Pte. Ltd., Ferdinand Leopolder, 80 South Bridge Road, #03-01, Singapore, 058710, ACRA Reg. Nr. 201202876N.
Sincerely Yours, Ferdinand Leopolder