drymix.info Monthly 188/2016
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drymix.info Newsletter 188/2016; ISSN Number 1613-0111; 19. Dec 2016
1. Casual drymix.info BAU Event, Munich, 18.1.17: Advance Registration Mandatory!
2. SEADMA and ThaiDMMA Seminar on Plastering, Bangkok 24.1.2017
3. idmmc six in Nürnberg, 3. April 2017: Registration of Delegates has Started
4. European Coatings Congress, Construction Chemical Session, 4.4.17: Program
5. 2nd Central American Drymix Mortar Meeting, Mexico City, 27. June 2017: Call for Papers issued
6. Announcing: Second Asia Mortar Summit, Shanghai, China, 19. September 2017
7. Fifth Latin American Drymix Mortar Conference ladmmc five: 26. October 2017, São Paulo
8. Far East or Far West? Bonded Materials, Hawaii Joins drymix.info as a Member
9. Surimassa joins drymix.info as a Member
10. Laticrete Singapore Joins SEADMA
11. Siam Mortar Joins SEADMA as a Member
12. Internal Restructuring at Rotec, Rotocell Production Refurbishment in 2017
Dear Friends in the Drymix Mortar World,
a busy year draws to its end and I personally hope it was a satisfying one for your and your colleagues. This Newsletter gives you an overview of planned events and publications for next year. We also have a summary of the events and publications available as .pdf, this document includes also all expiry dates of the Call for Papers.
The next meeting on our agenda is Bau 2017 in Munich - make sure if you come to have Wednesday evening available for us!
I wish you all a happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year!
1. Casual drymix.info BAU Event, Munich, 18.1.17: Advance Registration Mandatory!
The casual (and traditional) drymix.info Evening during BAU takes place on Wednesday,18. January 2017, 19:00 at Hofbräukeller, Munich, Innere Wiener Straße 19, 81667 München (see www.hofbraeukeller.de; the next subway station is Max Weber Platz on either U4 or U5).
This no-tie event has become an excellent chance to relax for tired showgoers on "BAU-Wednesday". After a hard day at the fair there is time to network, chat, have dinner with friends and just have a good time. Calucem, Evonik and Wacker-Chemie are sponsoring this evening, thanks a lot! Seating is limited, so advance registration is absolutely mandatory, please e-mail us to info@drymix.info.
2. SEADMA and ThaiDMMA Seminar on Plastering, Bangkok 24.1.2017
The Seminar on the Use of Mortar Machines in Efficient Construction in Thailand is being organized by The Thai Drymix Mortar Manufacturer‘s Association (ThaiDMMA) and The South East Asia Drymix Mortar Association SEADMA. We are inviting to a unique exchange or experiences. The seminar takes place on Tuesday, 24. January 2017, from 09:00 to 15:00 at Siam Kempinski Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. The seminar will bring together specialized (plastering) contractors with developers, consultants, architects and the drymix mortar industry. Already now, many contractors have signed up and so have international observers (we will improvise a translation from Thai to English). SEADMA and ThaiDMMA members Siam City Cement (Insee Mortar) and Ubau (Bee Mortar) have pledged support for the event.
Supporters can invite their clients, be it architects, consultants or contractors. Details on the event can be found on www.seadma.org. Admission for industry observers is THB 19.500 (500 €) reduced for SEADMA members to THB 15.500 (400 €). Contractors, Architects and Consultants get in free of charge, by invitation of supporters only. The sponsor package for supporters is 2.000 €, reduced to 1.500 € for members, please enquire with us.
3. idmmc six in Nürnberg, 3. April 2017: Registration of Delegates has Started
For the sixth time, the International Drymix Mortar Conference idmmc six unites experts from the drymix mortar industry in Nürnberg. As usual, the event takes place just before European Coatings Show, the bi-annual and most important exhibition for our industry. It features a comprehensive Industry Showcase.and the Drymix Mortar Yearbook 2017 will appear on this occasion (contributions welcome until 31. January 2017, publication fees apply). As always, delegates can enjoy a casual welcome at Barfüsser im Mautkeller on Sunday evening, 02. April 2017 (sponsors still welcome!).
Admission is 460 Euro, reduced to 380 Euro for SEADMA and drymix.info members. Mortar Producers are eligible to our specially reduced rate of only 280 Euro. Online registration is already available on drymix.info (Visa or Mastercard required).
4. European Coatings Congress, Construction Chemical Session, 4.4.17: Program
Parallel to European Coatings Show (Nürnberg, Germany), the European Coatings Congress takes place. It is an excellent opportunity for scientific exchange. The Construction Chemical Session takes place on 4. April 2017, it is chaired by Prof. Dr. Andreas Gerdes (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) and Ferdinand Leopolder. Here is a glimpse on the program (subject to change without notice):
Caltra, Ludo van Nes Blessing: Calcium Sulpho Aluminate Cement - choosing the right source of sulphate
Calucem, Dr. Markus Schmid: Performance Evaluation of Sewage Mortars containing Calcium Aluminate Aggregates and Blast Furnace Slag
Cimsa, Melike Sucu: The Investigation of Portland Cement Effect on Ternary Systems
Dow Construction Chemicals, Sandrine Sinsoulieu, Isabel Endres: New two components waterborne acrylic-epoxy hybrid technology for applications in industrial flooring and concrete coatings
Dow Construction Chemicals, Dr. Jouko Vyörykkä: Acrylic binder with improved durability on cementitious surfaces
Dow Performance Silicone; Dr. Jean-Paul Lecomte: New Silicone-Resin-Based Integral Water Repellent for Cementitious Materials
Dow Performance Silicone, Dr. Jean-Paul Lecomte: Hydrophobation of wood with organosilicon compounds – an update from the SILEX Life+ project
Dr. Paul Lohmann, Dr. António Neto: Lithium-free Novel Accelerators for Innovative Cements
Ferro, Dani Llado: Mortar Coloration: Options for New Designs and Cool Façades
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Matthias Schwotzer: Impact of Thermal Loads on the Chemical Stability of Cement-based Materials
Kerneos, Dr. Pascal Taquet: Reaching New Performance Levels in Construction Applications and Coatings with Calcium Aluminate Mineral Suspensions
TWI, Nadia Sid: Development of highly repellent silica nanoparticles for protection of bio-based insulation
Booking the conference is possible though Vincentz Network, see: www.european-coatings.com/Events/European-Coatings-Show-Conference-2017
5. 2nd Central American Drymix Mortar Meeting, Mexico City, 27. June 2017: Call for Papers issued
The Second Central American Drymix Mortar Meeting takes place in Mexico City on Tuesday, 27. June 2017 (exact location/hotel remains to be determined). The full day event features scientific lectures from the region and from abroad, as well as a comprehensive Industry Showcase. drymix.info encourages mortar experts from the entire region to submit proposals for lecturing, we recently issued the Call for Papers, it ends on 28. February 2017. Of course additional sponsors are welcome.
The Admission is unchanged from 2015: Regular Admission is US$ 350, reduced admission for members of drymix.info is US$ 290. An especially reduced admission is available for drymix mortar manufacturers they pay only US$ 190.
6. Announcing: Second Asia Mortar Summit, Shanghai, China, 19. September 2017
After Mumbai in 2015, drymix.info is proud to announce the Second Asia Mortar Summit, taking place in Shanghai, China on Tuesday, 19. September 2017 (plus exclusive Chimney Talk at surprise location on 18.9.17). This comprehensive event is providing Scientific Lectures and podium discussions with key executives about the future of advanced building materials in Asia. A Call for Papers has been issued, deadline for submissions is also 28. February 2017. The motto of the 2nd Asia Mortar Summit is efficient construction - low maintenance - energy saving. It will lay a focus on the application of volume mortars (masonry mortars, screeds, renders, plasters), tiles and natural stones, thermal insulation EIFS (incl. the retrofitting of existing buildings), concrete repair, specialty mortars and functional membranes (waterproofing).
Regular Admission is 350 €, reduced admission for members of drymix.info is 270 €. An especially reduced admission is available for drymix mortar manufacturers they pay only 150 € (also there are special prices for China Building Materials Association Drymix Mortar Branch Members and Students, please enquire with us).
7. Fifth Latin American Drymix Mortar Conference ladmmc five: 26. October 2017, São Paulo
The Fifth Latin American Drymix Mortar Conference ladmmc five will take place at Espaço Transatlântico, São Paulo, Brasil, on Thursday, 26. October 2017. Our Technical Chairman, Mario Kristeller has recently issued a Call for Papers which is available at drymix.info upon request. It expires on 10. May 2017. As always, we expect drymix mortar experts from South America with focus on Brasil as well as many international guests for this important event.
Sponsoring and all types of support by industry peers is of course welcome and encouraged. Admission is 310 Euro, reduced for drymix.info members to 270 Euro. There is a specially reduced price for mortar manufacturers, which is only 170 Euro (down from 230 Euro in 2015!). Online booking will be possible soon.
8. Far East or Far West? Bonded Materials, Hawaii Joins drymix.info as a Member
Bomat, Ltd., Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, also known as Bonded Materials has decided to join drymix.info as a member. The company was created in 1987 by Donald G. Deer as a fusion of Bonded Materials (founded in 1955) and Quikrete of Hawaii (founded in 1980). Bonded Materials is offering a large range of construction chemicals and drymix mortars from three locations throughout Hawaii. Application focus is concrete repair, waterproofing, joint compounds and especially tile adhesives and grouts. Today, the company is led by the sons of the founder, Jeff and Brian.
To come back to our question, if Hawaii is far East or far West: it is a matter of perspective. For Hawaiians it must be the center of the world...;-). We warmly welcome Bonded Materials to our community.
9. Surimassa joins drymix.info as a Member
Surimassa Industries Ltd., Paranam, Para, Suriname, has recently joined drymix.info as a Member. The company, founded in 2012, manufactures bricks and mortars, it has recently opened its first drymix mortar plant (we reported earlier). Surimassa focusses on tile adhesives, grouts and other construction products and is also active in trading in all sorts of cement and cement based products.
We warmly welcome Surimassa to our Community.
10. Laticrete South East Asia Pte Ltd Joins SEADMA
Laticrete South East Asia Pte Ltd, has joined The South East AsiaDrymix Mortar Association SEADMA as a member. Laticrete produces specialty drymix mortars and offers a full portfolio for tile installation and flooring.
SEADMA warmly welcomes Laticrete back amongst its members.
11. Siam Mortar Joins SEADMA
Siam Mortar, a subsidiary of The Siam Cement Public Company Limited (Siam Cement Group, SCG), Bangkok, Thailand, has joined The South East Asia Drymix Mortar Association SEADMA as a member. SCG - founded in 1913 by H.H. King Rama VI - is a major player in cement in Thailand and beyond and the largest single manufacturer of drymix mortars in South East Asia. Starting with the production of drymix mortars in Saraburi, the company operates several highly integrated drymix mortar plants at many locations throughout Thailand today. Experts from Siam Mortar take also part in the discussions concerning the standardisation of mortars for Thailand and are founding members of The Thai Drymix Mortar Manufacturer's Association ThaiDMMA, SEADMA's local chapter in Thailand.
SEADMA warmly welcomes Siam Mortar amongst its members.
12. Internal Restructuring at Rotec, Rotocell Production Refurbishment in 2017
Rotec GmbH & Co. KG, Mülheim-Kärlich, Germany announces restructuring: the Rotocell production unit in Neuwied has been entirely taken over by Dr. Carl Riffer GmbH & Co. KG, Muhlheim-Kärlich. The plant produces lightweight aggregates based on pumice for drymix mortars, filtration, inert carriers, bulk (loose) fill and other applications. With this step, the Rotocell business becomes independent and focussed investment will take place: the company is planning a complete technical renewal of its production installations which will considerably increase the output and facilitate the manufacturing of new grades of functional aggregates.
No change occurs in the owner structure of Rotec GmbH & Co. KG itself: Dr. Carl Riffer GmbH & Co. KG Kann GmbH & Co. KG, Bendorf, Germany continue to hold 50% of the shares each. Rotec is manufacturing all sorts of products from natural pumice, mainly for Bisotherm (lightweight insulation blocks).
The drymix.info Newsletter is being sent exclusively to registered subscribers and all members of drymix.info. Editor-in-Chief: Ferdinand Leopolder. Back issues will be published on www.drymix.info.
Should you want to discontinue your subscription, please return this newsletter with the reference UNSUBSCRIBE to info (at) drymix. info. All information © 2003 - 2016 by drymix. info, Ferdinand Leopolder, Tegernseer Landstrasse 26, D-81541 München.
Sincerely Yours, Ferdinand Leopolder