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SEADMA and ThaiDMMA Seminar on Plastering, Bangkok, 24.1.2017

Workers of Ngamwongwan applying Machine Plaster

To download in Thai and English Initiates file downloadthe seminar info (Thai&English) please click here.

Tuesday, 24. January 2017, Siam Kempinski Hotel, Bangkok

The Thai Drymix Mortar Manufacturer‘s Association (ThaiDMMA) and SEADMA invited to a Seminar on the Use of Mortar Machines in Efficient Construction in Thailand. Location was the splendid Siam Kempinski Hotel. This unique training and exchange opportunity brought together specialized (plastering) contractors with developers, consultants, architects and the drymix mortar industry. There have been discussions about the chances of machine supported mortar applications and the increase in efficiency and jobsite logistics. Most of the lectures come from contractors that focus on render (plaster) application, most of the lectures was held in Thai language. Private Houses Co. Ltd., Pheung Chengtong (working predominantly for SYNTEC), Bouygues-Thai Ltd., Ngamwongwan and Powerline Engineering confirmed their contributions and attendance.



Sponsoring/Industry Showcase

Bee Mortar

Bouygues-Thai Ltd.

Brazeeco Co. Ldt.

Collomix GmbH

Insee Mortar

Private Houses Co. Ltd.

Siam City Cement


Unicorn Contracting Corp.


Siam Kempinski Hotel Bangkok, Rama 1 Road 991/9 10330 Bangkok Thailand
+66 (0)2 162 9000

Organized by

Micro-Conference Pte. Ltd.,
80 South Bridge Road, #03-01,
Golden Castle Building, Singapore, 058710