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The First Saudi Workshop on EIFS, 30. May 2016 in Riyadh


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Monday, 30. May 2016, from 08:00, North of Riyadh, GPS: 535,13913 (turnoff @ Route 535)

The Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organisation SASO and The Middle East Drymix Mortar Association MEDMA and AHK invited you to join this exclusive event and practical demonstration of EIFS under actual working conditions. 


Event Description

This was the first Saudi Workshop on EIFS in Riyadh. The event took place on 30. May 2016, from 08:00 until 11:30 at the largest site for thermal insulation (EIFS) throughout the Middle East: at Al Waseel Villas, a project developed by Sabic.

Program (subject to change without notice):


MEDMA, Ferdinand Leopolder: Welcome and EIFS Examples from Europe


Wacker, Abbas Kanisan: EIFS Conforming to ETAG 004 - A System Certification that Protects Saudi Investments (also featuring EIFS Video)


Union Group for Building Construction, Eng. Khalid Yassin: Experience with EIFS Building a Passive House in Riyadh

(all three sponsors): Hands-on EIFS Application Demonstration

(all three sponsors): Site Tour of Al Waseel in Chartered Buses, Stop and Inspection of a Finished Villa


Sponsoring/Industry Showcase

Abbas Kanisan




Union Group for Building Construction



Al Waseel Hills Project, North Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Directions: North on Rt. 535, exit 4 km after King Salman Road intersection to West.;
GPS: 535,13913, signs Sabic, J&P

Organized by:

Micro-Conference Pte. Ltd., 80 South Bridge Road, Singapore, 058710

Phone +49 89 6200 0232, Fax to +49 89 6200 9911


Subject to change without notice