drymix.info News 176/2016
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drymix.info Newsletter 176/2016; ISSN Number 1613-0111; 29. February 2016
1. Second Philippine Drymix Mortar Meeting, Manila Polo Club, 15. March 2016
2. Casual drymix.info Meeting on BAUMA 2016, Munich, Wednesday, 13. April 2016, 17:30 to 19:00
3. 5th American Drymix Mortar Conference admmc five, Philadelphia, PA, May 3, 2016
4. MEDMA Organizes the First Saudi Workshop on EIFS, Al Waseel, Riyadh, 9. or 10. May 2016
5. Argentina Drymix Mortar Meeting: 30. June 2016, Buenos Aires
6. Announcing: Iran Drymix Mortar Meeting, Teheran, 25. October 2016
7. Royal White Cement , Houston, TX, Joins drymix.info as Industrial Partner
8. Exova acquires majority stake in Admaterials (Singapore)
9. Sika Opens Plants in Myanmar and Cambodia
1. Second Philippine Drymix Mortar Meeting, Manila Polo Club, 15. March 2016
The South East Asia Drymix Mortar Association SEADMA and the newly formed Philippine Drymix Mortar Manufacturer's Association PhilDMMA are inviting to the Second Philippine Drymix Mortar Meeting. The event, featuring technical lectures and the formal inception of PhilDMMA takes place at Manila Polo Club on 15. March 2016. An updated programme is available on our website, the sessions will be moderated by Ferdinand Leopolder. Axel Brandner, Founding President of PhilDMMA will lead the formation ceremony of PhilDMMA.
Supporters practically sponsor the first birthday party of PhilDMMA, currently we list Aalborg White, AML, Eirich, FLSmidth Ventomatic, Ibau Hamburg, Kerneos and Wacker. And there is always room for more, please enquire with us.
Admission for The Second Philippine Drymix Mortar Meeting is 600 € for Industry Observers, reduced to 480 € per person for SEADMA or drymix.info members (includes certain sponsoring rights, please enquire with us). Drymix mortar manufacturers pay only 60 € (first person free of charge for PhilDMMA member companies). Online registration is available through our drymix.info shop (Visa or Mastercard required).
2. Casual drymix.info Meeting on BAUMA 2016, Munich, Wednesday, 13. April 2016, 17:30 to 19:00
Mortar Masters Meet in Munich: the casual drymix.info Evening during BAUMA takes place again on 13. April 2016, 17:30 until 19:00. This time our casual meeting it is sponsored by Wacker and hosted by Haver & Boecker directly on BAUMA, Hall B2, stand 149 (B2.149). This event has become a traditional vanishing point for tired showgoers on "BAUMA-Wednesday". After a hard day at the fair there is time to chat, snack and drink with friends and just have a good time.
Participation for this meeting is free of charge, however advance registration is absolutely mandatory by e-mail to info@drymix.info. Please note, that this year we are INSIDE BAUMA, so you will need to have a visitor pass for this fair in order to get to us (we can arrange for vouchers from Haver & Boecker). BAUMA, the largest exhibition in the world, begins on Monday, 11. April and runs through to Sunday, 17. April.
3. The 5th American Drymix Mortar Conference admmc five, Philadelphia, PA, May 3, 2016
The Fifth American Drymix Mortar Conference admmc five will take place at The Wagner Free Institute of Science (a historic site near Temple University), 1700 West Montgomery Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19121. Technical Chairman is again Prof. Dr. Johann Plank of Technische Universität München (TUM), Ferdinand Leopolder will moderate the sessions. We have a great programme for you (see updated on our website) and an especially splendid location this time. The Industry Showcase, the networking breaks and the lunch will take place outside on the lawns of the institution. The Drymix Mortar Yearbook 2016 will be premiered on occasion of this conference.
Attention: The Wagner Free Institute of Scinece is NOT a hotel, we recommend our Delegates to find accomodation in Northern Downtown or around Penn's Landing (you can find a list of Hotels on our website).
Admission for admmc five is 420 €, reduced for drymix.info members to 365 €. The specially reduced admission for drymix mortar manufacturers is only 255 €. Online registration is available through our drymix.info shop (Visa or Mastercard required, please make sure your card is enabled for purchases in Europe, which is where our shop is).
4. MEDMA Organizes the First Saudi Workshop on EIFS, Al Waseel, Riyadh, 9. or 10. May 2016
Even in times of very low prices for crude oil, it is essential for the Saudi Government and population to encourage energy saving. The Middle East Drymix Mortar Association MEDMA invites sponsors to support a hands-on workshop on External Insulation and Finishing Systems (EIFS) in Riyadh on 9. or 10. May 2016 (exacte date to be determined). In the early morning, we will have a practical demonstration at Al Waseel villa complex, a site developed by Sabic for staff engineers to the North of Riyadh (in cooperation with Joannou & Paraskevaides, the General Contractor). The theoretical part will take place at nearby Kempinski Hotel Burj Rafal, followed by a lunch reception for the delegates.
Admission for The First Saudi Workshop on EIFS is 600 € for Industry Observers, reduced to 480 € per person for MEDMA or drymix.info members. Drymix mortar manufacturers pay only 160 € (first person free of charge for MEDMA member companies). MEDMA is strongly relying on the support and encouragement of its members, partners and other industry players for this extraordinary event. Sponsoring conditions can be obtained from us here at drymix.info.
5. Argentina Drymix Mortar Meeting: 30. June 2016, Buenos Aires
drymix.info is proud to invite to its first meeting in Argentina and Southern part of Latin America. Our event will take place at Sheraton Libertador Hotel, Buenos Aires, on Thursday, 30. June 2016. The lectures will be held in Spanish. This event is specifically geared towards drymix mortar experts from Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, Uruguay and of course Argentina, the second largest market for drymix mortars in South America.
The Call for Papers has been extended until 11. March 2016, we expect companies interested to make a presentation to send us their proposals before that date - and of course we are hoping for industry support in terms of sponsoring, too.
Admission for this event is 350 € for Industry Observers, reduced to 290 € per person for drymix.info members. Drymix mortar manufacturers pay only 190 € .
6. Announcing: Iran Drymix Mortar Meeting, Teheran, 25. October 2016
For the first time, drymix.info will organize an industry get-together in Teheran, Iran. The Iran Drymix Mortar Meeting is taking place on 25. October 2016 and will feature a full-day programme with lectures and networking, the location will be determined later. drymix.info has already tied conections to The Construction Chemicals Association of Iran and the Iran Drymix Mortar Association which are supporting the event and promoting it amongst their members.
Although the programme is already quite full (will be published in one of our next Newsletters), we still would like to encourage drymix.info members and partners to approach us with ideas concerning lectures and sponsoring.
7. Royal White Cement, Houston, TX, Joins drymix.info as Industrial Partner
Royal White Cement Inc., headquartered in Houston, TX, has decided to join drymix.info as Industrial Partner. Royal White Cement, established in 1999,produces White Portland Cement Type I, White Masonry Cement (Types N and S) as well as High Alumina and Calcium Sulfo Aluminate Cements. The company operates seven plants throughout the US, namely in Lake Park, FL, Chesapeake, VA, Savannah GA, Long Beach and Stockton, CA and Kansas City, MO.
We warmly welcome Royal White Cement to our community.
8. Exova acquires majority stake in Admaterials (Singapore)
Exova Group Ltd., headquartered in Edinbrugh, Scotland, a globally active provider of laboratory, calibration and certification services has recently taken over the majority of Admaterials Technologies Pte Ltd, Singapore. Founded by industry expert Lu Jin Ping in 2008, Admaterials plays an active role in the testing and certification of building materials (mainly aggregates, concrete and drymix mortar) for the private and Government sectors.
9. Sika Opens Construction Chemicals Plants in Myanmar and Cambodia
Sika AG of Baar, Switzerland, has recently opened two new plants for construction chemicals (mainly concrete admixtures) in Yangon, Myanmar and Pnom Penh, Cambodia. According to Sika, both countries are in urgent need for the improvement of local infrastructure as well as shaping up in the areas of commercial (retail and tourism) and residential real estate. Cambodia’s growth in the construction sector was said to have been 20% in 2015. Apart from local capital, real estate investors come in from China, Korea and Japan, along with construction know-how and services.
The drymix.info Newsletter is being sent exclusively to registered subscribers and all members of drymix.info. Editor-in-Chief: Ferdinand Leopolder. Back issues will be published on www.drymix.info.
Should you want to discontinue your subscription, please return this newsletter with the reference UNSUBSCRIBE to info (at) drymix. info. All information © 2003 - 2016 by drymix. info, Ferdinand Leopolder, Tegernseer Landstrasse 26, D-81541 München.
Sincerely Yours, Ferdinand Leopolder